
BoS 2011: Business of Software Talks from 2011 all in one place.

If you came to Business of Software 2011, you can access all the talks from last year here using the passcode you were sent by email. Anyone registering for this year's event will also receive a code to access the talks prior to their general release. Click on the talk you want to view and enter your passcode.

The talks will be released, with transcripts, over the course of the year.

Don't forget, registration for BoS 2012 is open now. We hope to see you in Boston October 1st-3rd 2012 and the first EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT tickets run out on March 30th. Save $900 on full registration.

Confirmed speakers this year include Professor Noam Wasserman, Jason Cohen, Mikey Traft, Adii Pienaar, Joel Spolksy, Peldi, Paul Kenny, Bob Dorf, Dharmesh Shah and others who spend their lives at the sharp end of software businesses around the world. We hope to see you there.

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Noam Wasserman, author of The Founder's Dilemmas hits Amazon best sellers list and wants to answer your questions

We were very excited when Professor Noam Wasserman, author of The Founder's Dilemmas - Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup agreed to speak at Business of Software this year especially when he offered to get involved in a guest blog to see whether we could apply some of the lessons he has learned in his studies to some of the more grown-up businesses that come to Business of Software.

(Here he is speaking at Business of Software 2008).

His book was due for publication on 25th March, (here is the Publisher's Weekly Review) but he dropped me a note on Friday to let me know that not only had the publication date been bought forward, but the books was already on the Amazon best sellers list. Congratulations Noam!

We would love to get some sense of some of the things that you worry about as founders – not just so he can try to offer some answers, but to help him craft a talk at Business of Software this year that answers the issues that are relevant to you. 

If you get a moment, please complete this VERY short Survey Monkey Questionnaire. You can do it anonymously, but if you leave your email address, we will contact one person at random and send them a signed copy of the book. We have extended the deadline for submitting your question by two days so please submit by midnight Thursday 22nd March.

Link to that VERY short Survey Monkey Questionnaire.

Don't forget, registration for BoS 2012 is open now. We hope to see you in Boston October 1st-3rd 2012 and the first EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT tickets run out on March 30th. Save $900 on full registration.

Confirmed speakers this year include Professor Noam Wasserman, Jason Cohen, Mikey Traft, Adii Pienaar, Joel Spolksy, Peldi, Paul Kenny, Bob Dorf, Dharmesh Shah and others who spend their lives at the sharp end of software businesses around the world. We hope to see you there.

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Want more of these insightful talks?

At BoS we run events and publish highly-valued content for anyone building, running, or scaling a SaaS or software business.

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Founder's Dilemmas – what do you worry about when growing a business?

I am still celebrating the news (you heard it first here!) that Professor Noam Wasserman has agreed to speak at this year's Business of Software on the subject of Founders Dilemmas.

Not only that, he has generously agreed to try to answer some of your questions in a guest blog to be published at the end of this month. How very, very cool is that?

Here is where you come in…

If you have a Founder Dilemma, leave us a brief summary of the question or issue you have (anonymous or named, entirely up to you), here by midnight on the 18th March. We pass on the best to Noam. Watch the blog for updates…

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What did you take away from BoS2011?

We asked BoS2011 attendees what their key learnings were from the conference…

We asked BoS2011 attendees what their key learnings were from the conference…

  • Greater honesty and transparency with our customers.
  • Having the right team is critical. Focus on internal tools is worthwhile.  Product is only a small part of the customer experience
  • Formalizing our plan to pay down our code debt. 
  • Pricing for the Lizard Brains of enterprise customers. Measuring A/B tests from the top to the bottom of the funnel.
  • To focus on the job our software is doing
  • Holy crap is social media ever important! Your presence is almost a product in itself.
  • Social media participation
  • Use more metrics in our customer acquisition process. Dedicate more time to marketing. Become closer to our top customers.
  • A/B testing, motivation to release soon and a new pricing page. Networking!
  • 1. Be more honest. 2. Change the copy on most of our web site. :)  3. Measure more.  A/B testing.
  • Too many to tell, top 3 are:  1. how important honesty and transparency is with customers  2. testing, testing, more testing and understanding the metrics  3. how to draw an owl, #JFDI
  • *Improve website copy  *Split testing  *(Continued) Passion for what we do  *Validated our 'basement-based' claim (Thanks Jason Cohen)
  • Flip the equation and put customers ahead of other stuff in decision-making.
  • There was so much, it's hard to pinpont a single thing. Communicate with your customers.
  • As a Dev Evangelist, the business plan modeling for working with customers and the sales/closing presentation for my own stuff.
  • To do a better job of managing the creative resources of my team.
  • The value of A/B Testing
  • Business Model canvassing
  • I took a lot away. Creativity, A/B testing, The Funnel, I need to do talks again, Sort out twitter, read a LOT more.
  • Start looking for problems that I have a passion to solve. That will be the SaaS application I will try to start this year (currently only do desktop apps)
  • Working on creative thinking towards software problems. The importance of A/B testing.
  • The social media approach. My next challenge is awareness, and I like the concepts presented. Not easy, but something I want to work through.
  • The biggest action point is the idea of being honest 'internally'. By which I mean being more transparent with management processes – eg. sharing of employee survey results – and that being honest about existing problems challenges with employees can lead to greater motivation and involvement. Immediate action will be sharing results of functional heads' work/surveys with the function we're surveying!
  • Look at all of our processes with a fresh eye.
  • Many things. Here are my first couple to focus on:  1_ Show our expertise via a book  2_ Use blogs/webinars around customer topics, not about us or about a specific customer (due to security/confidentiality)  3_ Change Corp Overview to ONLY tell stories to customers presentation
  • Measure more and report, in a timely way, more.
  • A much better understanding of SaaS based business models and the ease with which a new s/w business can be setup online.  Also I was unaware of the industry behind this (B2B companies like hubspot).
  • Too many to list. I've already started using the business model canvas to facilitate strategy discussions with our management team. I've also begun building hooks into our product to help with A/B testing and customer success measurement. Less concretely, but most profoundly, the conference has led me to make a commitment to start my own business in the next 2-3 years.
  • Capture better metrics around our Inbound Leads and application feature usage.
  • I will reach out to more people in my industry for customer discovery purposes.
  • Make an effort to perform more robust A/B testing. And think bigger. 🙂
  • Applying metrics (and perhaps some variant of A/B testing) to our desktop application.
  • Need more metrics in my SaaS app; going to change a marketing approach and try complete honesty to the point of pointing out flaws in my product.
  • Combining Clay's talk about focusing on the job + many of the talks about tracking folks religiously internally to make sure that its "mission accomplished"
  • 1. weekly sales meetings (Paul Kenny)  2. reposition our product in the marketplace (Clay Christensen)  3. Make sure everyone else does as much creative stuff as me (Josh Linkner)  4. Draw the rest of the fucking owl (Jeff Lawson)
  • Think disruptive! Be honest and transparent – it's the only way.
  • 1. more tightly focus our inbound marketing content  2. do more cohort analysis  3. start tracking user engagement by feature usage  4. do a better job in doing user-specific messaging  5. process for improving our website copy
  • I have 3 pages of to-dos. I will be focusing even more on customer interaction, on using metrics to make decisions, and thinking bigger.
  • Work on exercising our "creative muscle".
  • Too many to list here.
  • Do A/B Testing – possibly hire Patrick McKenzie. Tons of tips from Laura about blogging effectively. Tip from attendee on a good tradeshow to go to.  NPS surveys.  Might do rolestorming at next staff meeting
  • o A todo list 80 items long.  o I'm too soft charging for my software and maintenance.  o I should be more proactive (hate that word) about selling.  o I should be more proactive (hate that word) about ux research.  o When someone is ruining a speaker's talk by talking I should shut them up more quickly than I did.  o I should get out more. My socialising is not with tech people at all.
  • Loved Clayton's arguement about "What job is someone hiring your product for".
  • SAAS is the way to go, so we will create a Windows application, and we will add a/b-test to the application, and start with a tutorial.  We will add the middle alternative to buy.
  • To focus on the job rather than on the customer once people are using the product. Oddly enough it's the opposite (people's first) when trying to funnel them through the demo page.
  • Many things. I will summarize by saying we need to spend MUCH more time on our "pipe line" at every level.
  • How our web page can work harder for our business.
  • Trying to be more creative, finding out new ways to engage with customers. Being honest as well with customers. And maybe most important is that we do work with humans and not companies and we should work with that in mind.
  • For disruption, start small. JDI. Good enough is good enough. AB testing is important. Do something Social.  It Is OK To FAIL!!
  • Rolestorming. Finding our Purple Cow – from workshop. Sales Techniques – Asking for the sale.
  • Figure out what "job" our customers "hire" our software to do.
  • Come up with more metrics on the business. My gut feeling may have brought us where we are, but we must base more decisions on our data.
  • Business Modeling, Christensen's ideas on Innovation, RoleStorming, contacts made.  There is more, lots of good nuggets
  • A/B testing
  • I will re-visit company strategy having learned from Clay Christensen's talk
  • Only focus on the aspects of inbound marketing that you will excel at. Make our webpage simple. Find a way to get into the cloud (not easy for my niche).
  • We need to do a better job of measuring and testing
  • Testing Testing Testing. Loved the focus on it and David's discussion regarding data.
  • Lots of A/B testing!  😉
  • ABD – Always Be Doing. Keep working/ Get Started Now
  • Metrics… Track everything.  And don't quit being creative.  Its the most important thing.
  • More focus on "Making the World Suck Less"
  • Seriously consider a SaaS model. Put more emphasis on non-feature improvements,
  • We'd just started doing usability testing on our software. We're going to ratchet that up and spend more time on the new-user experience.
  • Become a data driven company. Encourage creativity
  • Perseverance is key to building a business.
  • HR practices. some process improvements
  • Several things -   * need to be more intentional about defining our business model  * priority of investing in UI/UX  * paying attention to disruptors in our market and developing strategies to compete with them directly while still sustaining our current business  * practical tips on making our business data-driven  * solid recommendations from fellow attendees on better issue-tracking tools
  • Being brutally honest/transparent with the customers will help, not hurt the business.
  • My BoS commitment was to free myself up so I could dedicate as much time and energy to building my company and getting v1.0 of my flagship product ready for launch.    Realising this was going to be near impossible while working a fulltime job, I made a commitment at BoS to quit my job at FlexiGroup (who graciously helped me get to BoS, knowing my ambitions) as soon as I got home. It was very tough but after an incredible 7 year run working with some of the most talented people I've ever met, my tenure will come to an end next week.    What BoS has helped me with is to give me the courage to take this step, by introducing me to an incredibly supportive community of brilliant entrepreneurs. People who have been on a similar journey to me and are able to offer support or a friendly ear for the challenges I am facing. And it's very heartening, hearing about how others have similar challenges and being able to offer my own thoughts. Outside the walls of this conference there are very few other venues that offer this kind of experience.    Plus the fact that the delegates are just so friggin smart! I have been endlessly namedropping to the guys on my team all the great people I met but the highlight would have to be meeting Peldi from balsamiq. I love his style and how he built his fantastic company on his own mettle is truly inspiring.     Jason's talk was the highlight for me, and also his critique of my product pitch (which I already rabbited on about in my other survey response so I'll leave it at that :)).    My only regret from the conference was not saying hello to Mark! But I could see he had his hands extremely full. Oh and that I forgot to collect that bottle of champagne 😉
  • Work on operational metrics. Build internal tools.
  • 1. Measure my business in more and different ways than I'm currently do.   2. JFDI.

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Here's to the third to a half of the world's population that are introverts.

Two great pieces about introverts from the past couple of weeks. Always makes me think of Business of Software!

Sacha Chua on introverts and how to be shy effectively.


Susan Cain, talking at this year's TED Conference in Long Beach on the power of introverts.

Three take aways from Susan's talk.

  • Stop the madness for constant group work – we need to teach people how to work on their own.
  • Go to the wilderness – we could all benefit from unplugging and getting inside our own heads a bit more often.
  • Take a good luck at what’s inside your own suitcase and why you put it there. When you have watched the talk, it makes perfect sense!).

Don't forget, registration for BoS 2012 is open now. Hope to see you in Boston October 1st-3rd 2012.

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About those 25 books by Clayton Christensen for the first 25 registrations…

They went already. Probably before some of you even got the email to let you know registration was open.  

Registration for Business of Software 2012, (October 1-3rd October) is now open!

Hurry, not only do the EARLY BIRD rates save you $$$$$, the first 25 registrations for Business of Software 2012 will get a copy of Clayton Christensen's new book, 'How will you measure your life?' with our compliments.

Partly because it had such a great effect on getting people registered and partly because we still think it is an amazing book, we will extend the offer – anyone who has paid for their registration to this point, and the next 25 to do so, get a copy.

What are you waiting for? Business of Software 2012

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Business of Software 2011 Delegate Feedback.

Just before we put BoS 2012 tickets on sale – in the next day and pretty much as soon as Anna makes her way down from the top of Mount Washington – we thought we would share the feedback from last year's event.

(UPDATE, she made it and got back safely. Mountaineer Andersen is third from the right. Black jacket with yellow zippers. Sustained winds of 65mph. 88mph peak winds. Wind chill -38c. 10.5 hours of hiking, ice climbing and abseiling = one tired Anna.).

Anna Mount Washington

Instead of publishing all the lovely stuff people said – and thanks! – I wanted to take Jason Cohen's talk on honesty to heart and here is everything. We think we did pretty well, but we can do better and every year we will try. The main feedback that we want to act on this year is around food and content.

Quite a few people said they felt the food wasn't as good last year as in the previous year. We agree. Despite having the same supplier and a bigger budget, the breakfast wasn't as good as we expected. (Though we note that the spaceperson icecream was a hit, as was the noodle box lunch on the last day). This year, we have upgraded the venue and you should see some differences.

Not every business is a SaaS business. We know! A lot of the talks at BoS are about the human and cultural aspects of growing a world class business and the lessons from a lot of the talks should be applicable across lots of types of business. We want our speakers to represent a wider SaaS, Web, Enterprise Software, and mobile sectors from both consumer and B2B. We think that bringing great people in these communities together to share ideas is one of the most powerful things BoS can do.

Here is the full feedback from BoS 2011 delegates…

  • “Excellent opportunity to sit back, away from day to day operations, and share the experiences of others & reflect on those.”
  • “An essential conference for anyone or company, waiting to be or is already in the business of software.”
  • “I was thoroughly and pleasantly surprised by the cooperative spirit and overall helpful nature of the delegates I met, toward a little 2-person basement-based company who sells their software for $7.50 CAD.  And the scope of attendees – ven-cap funded to bookstrapped, hundreds of employees to 1-man shows, windows and web apps… everything!”
  • “It was an enlightening good time!”
  • “Another awesome year at BOS. It's like an annual shot in the arm to get me super energized about my industry”
  • “Inspirational,  would like to see more nuts and bolts for non store front, higher price sales.”
  • “The conference was inspirational. I can't wait to get back and start implementing what I have learned – and it's a lot.”
  • “Awesome conference.  Will be back next year.  Please don't let it grow too big….small is what keeps it cool!”
  • “Awesomeness OD!”
  • “Everyday we had actionable ideas that we can apply almost instantly to our business”
  • “The event succeeded my expectations. The energy and good vibe from the presenters blew me away and we are really looking into adapting new practices we learnt.”
  • “Please include vegetarian meal options next year.”

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Today I quit my job to focus on my startup

Guest blog post from Dan Nolan who came to Business of Software and then quit his job to run his startup. Good luck Dan!

I recently attended Business of Software in Boston, and at the conclusion of the event Paul Kenny asked everyone to make a tangible commitment to act on something they had learnt during the conference.

My commitment was to free up my time so I could ready v1.0 of my new product for launch.

Realising this was going to be near impossible while still in fulltime employment, I decided that I would hand in my resignation upon returning to Sydney. And now, after an incredible 7 year run working with some of the most talented and generous people I’ve ever met, my time with FlexiGroup Ltd will today come to an end.

During those 7 years, I’ve worked as a Developer, shifted into a Release Engineering role and finally onto leadership of the DevOps Team.

However during the last few months, my thoughts and energies have progressively drifted towards my startup. Developing ‘ReadyRoll‘ has occupied nearly all of my time outside work for the better part of the last year but I’ve found it incredibly enjoyable. Corporate work usually involves balancing a number of different workloads, so being able to lavish the design of a singular piece of software is something of a luxury.

ReadyRoll will be the my first product since ‘StyleMaker’, a CSS authoring tool that I created way back in 1997 as a teen. It was something I made for a school assignment, but it ended up being more than that when I decided to distribute it as shareware. I can still remember the rush of my first few sales and seeing my software on the front page of sites like TUCOWS and

Though I did manage to achieve “ramen profitability“, it didn’t work out in the end but I learnt a lot about things like how much hard graft and perseverance actually goes into creating things of real value. And how listening to customers and being open and honest in your dealings is key to long-term prosperity in business (thanks to Jason Cohen for reminding me of this). Failure to deliver on these things can be a great teacher.

So in a way this move is a continuation of my “geek origin” story. In the years since my early efforts, I’ve been blessed to have had the opportunity to hone my skills under the guidance of some fabulous mentors. And now I get to do the indie software developer thing all over again.

With trepidation and excitement in equal amounts, today I begin to take those first few tentative steps from “Wannapreneur” towards “Fledgling Startup Founder”. Who knows what happens next.

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"What’s Your Tuva?" Guest blog from Lisa Wells, Product Principles

A nice guest blog by Lisa Wells, Product Principles on this year's Lightning Talks.

Every Fall for the last three years I’ve made a pilgrimage to absorb wisdom face-to-face from software greats like Seth Godin, Joel Spolsky, and Eric Ries at the Business of Software (BoS) conference.

What is your Tuva

It’s an expensive conference, but it’s worth every penny to get the latest, greatest insights from movers and shakers who understand both business and technology, and whose ideas are shaping the future of software entrepreneurship. And the opportunity to mingle with like-minded entrepreneurs is priceless!

BoS also has a Lightning Talk competition – short, fast-paced talks that consist of 15 slides, set to auto-advance every 30 seconds. Giving a Lightning Talk is not for the faint of heart. This year, prospective speakers were required to submit audition videos. Those selected as finalists are invited to give their talks at the conference itself, where the audience votes to determine the “Best Lightning Talk” for the year.

I've been nudging my colleague Justin Goeres from JKI for years to come along and he could never swing it. This year though, he decided to 'earn' his way by submitting a Lightning Talk (also he likes to do this sort of crazy stuff). So he put together a video and sent it along. And in the face of stiff competition, he got accepted to speak!

So this October, both Justin and I trekked to Boston to attend Business of Software 2011. Like the last two years, the conference was incredible! For the first two days, we were awed by speakers like Dr. Clayton Christensen, the Harvard professor who wrote The Innovator’s Dilemma and other award winning books. Praxeology expert Rory Sutherland blew us away with his insights applying human behavioral science and economics to business situations. Dharmesh Shah, Hubspotfounder and author of Inbound Marketing, showed us in detail how to build a bad-ass software business. Jason Cohen, author of popular blog A Smart Bear, rocked the house with his insights on Naked Business: How Honesty Makes Money. (Justin’s and my detailed notes for the sessions are online here).

[Great notes by the way, you should take a look – Mark Littlewood]

The Lightning Talk competition happened towards the end of the second day. This year there were five talks, all by really smart people who can present really really well:

  • Corey Reid, Cat-herder at Freshbooks on Hiring Developers
  • Karl Treier, CTO/Partner at Prospect Stream on Tips on Starting a Software Company
  • Justin’s talk – the only “non-business” one: Getting to Nowhere – the story of Richard Feynman's 'last journey' to a country called Tannu Tuva, and what a lifelong quest means for all of us
  • Patrick Foley, Evangelist and popular blogger from Microsoft on Confessions of a Wannapreneur
  • Tyler Rooney, Founder/CEO of 4ormat on Things I Learned the Hard Way at

All of the talks were outstanding – which makes it even more of an accomplishment that the BoS audience voted Justin’s talk the winner of the contest! As he introduced the speaker after Justin, Conference Organizer and emcee Mark Littlewood said Justin’s talk brought tears to his eyes. For the rest of the conference, I heard people asking each other, “What’s your Tuva?” In other words, what’s the quest that gives meaning and adventure to your life?

Just getting up in front of this crowd of software superstars and not embarrassing oneself is reason for celebration, but winning the competition is truly a special accomplishment! So from all of us here at JKI, a big congratulations goes out to Justin, who had the focus and courage to step out in search of his Tuva.

[We loved his talk too and can't wait to get them back from the editing suite so we can share them! Thanks Lisa].

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D came to BoS and quit his job. Talk about JFDI…

Anonymized from the conference feedback…

"My BoS commitment was to free myself up so I could dedicate as much time and energy to building my company and getting v1.0 of my flagship product ready for launch. Realising this was going to be near impossible while working a fulltime job, I made a commitment at BoS to quit my job at F(redacted) (who graciously helped me get to BoS, knowing my ambitions) as soon as I got home. It was very tough but after an incredible 7 year run working with some of the most talented people I've ever met, my tenure will come to an end next week.

"What BoS has helped me with is to give me the courage to take this step, by introducing me to an incredibly supportive community of brilliant entrepreneurs. People who have been on a similar journey to me and are able to offer support or a friendly ear for the challenges I am facing. And it's very heartening, hearing about how others have similar challenges and being able to offer my own thoughts. Outside the walls of this conference there are very few other venues that offer this kind of experience. Plus the fact that the delegates are just so friggin smart! I have been endlessly namedropping to the guys on my team all the great people I met but the highlight would have to be meeting Peldi from balsamiq. I love his style and how he built his fantastic company on his own mettle is truly inspiring. Jason's talk was the highlight for me, and also his critique of my product pitch (which I already rabbited on about in my other survey response so I'll leave it at that :)). My only regret from the conference was not saying hello to Mark! But I could see he had his hands extremely full. Oh and that I forgot to collect that bottle of champagne 😉 I would be delighted to blog about the experience above over my two BoS conferences 🙂 I'd love to hear from someone who still does desktop software and how some of the benefits of SAAS companies might be applied here. For example, measuring customer engagement and subscription-based pricing models. See ya next year! Provided I don't drive myself broke over the next few months ;)"

Congrats D! Hope it works out for you and come and write some guest blogs for us on how it is going.

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Business of Software 2011 talks online

To save me answering the same question by email 7 times per day, I will do what I should have done before…

We will post all of the talks from Business of Software 2011 online over the next year. We will choose when we make them available. Of  course we use them to post over the course of the year in order to help market the event next year (October 1-3rd in Boston since you asked).

This year, we will send a password to each of this year's Business of Software attendees that will give them exclusive access to all of the content before it is posted to the wider world. People that sign up to next year's event will also get a password that allows them to watch the videos at their convenience. The video is currently being edited and will not be online for at least two weeks. This should not be shared or used in blog posts until it has been released into the wild via the BoS blog.

Hope that sounds like a good plan?

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Some nice short summaries of Business of Software talks by Theo Spears

Some nice summaries of this year's Business of Software talks by Theo Spears. I have included one from each day and a link to the relevant blog post. 

Day 1 - Jeff Lawson

Jeff from Twilio talked about SaaS pricing models. You can base pricing on how much value you add, how much the service costs to provide, or how much your competitors charge. Ideally the combonation of the three should suggest a suitable point. He talked a lot about the benefits of consumerization – treating all your customers as if the are consumers, but equated this with SaaS more than I was comfortable with. Both of these are options a business can take, and are becoming more popular, but neither necessarily implies the other. Read the other summaries from day 1.

Day 2 - Josh Linkner

Josh talked about creativity. He had a model of how modern education was suppressing creativity in kids, although didn't actually demonstrate this meant adults were any less creative than they used to be. Interesting suggestion around RoleStorming = brainstorming whilst pretending to be a particular character, to free you up to suggest ideas without fear of personal criticism. Read the other summaries from day 2.

Day 3 - Paul Kenny

Paul Kenny talked about the importance of closing and how to do so in sales. People often fail to close because they are afraid to hear a no, and it makes for an awkward conversation. It also means you are less likely to make the sale – more sales are lost due to failing to ask the customer if they want to buy, than asking the customer if they want to buy too soon. When the customer does say no, this is a great opportunity to learn about what changes are needed to the product. Read the other summaries from Day 3.

I had a little catch up with Theo yesterday. I was kind of hoping he might be interested in using some of his sabbatical time to do some amazing things with the community aspects of the BoS website but as his blog details, he has got another itch he is focused on scratching. He did make some interesting commments to me, and in his blog about talks and conferences…

"I've thought about the nature of talks I've attended catering to the entrepreneurship world, and my overwhelming conclusion is I will not look back in 10 years time and think "If only I had attended more talks where people recapped their experiences, I would be in a far better place now".

"So no more entrepreneurship talks for me

"However, far more useful than listening to the content is the opportunity to mix and network with other like-minded people. This is one of the things that makes BoS so good, and I'm glad that Mark is really focusing on how to get the most from this aspect of the conference. As I attend more networking opportunities I become increasingly aware it's not just a social occasion to chat – making the most of it requires you to identify and focus on the other people in the room who are most relevant to you, and avoid getting caught up in conversations that are less relevant. I would be interested in hearing any advice on how to do this better.

"So maybe I'll skip the talks and just turn up for the networking sessions. And the free food."

My daughter has something to say on that subject - I think we might revisit that subject later in the year. 

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Managing projects with subversion and trac – free ebook from BoS workshop

Beau Adkins writes,

"Along with Zuly, I attended Business of Software (BoS2011) this year. This was my first time attending, and I have to say it was an intense 3 days; lots of learning and lots of networking. Although I had a good time and met a lot of really nice people, I’m glad to be back home programming. It was a bit draining for an introvert like myself.

"I held a workshop on Managing Software Projects with Subversion and Trac. I created a simple eBook for the workshop that walks you through step by step on setting up Subversion and Trac. You can download the Managing Software Projects with Subversion and Trac eBook for free."

Introvert or not, thanks for coming, taking part and volunteering to lead a workshop – it takes guts.

Thanks Beau.

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#suckless #BoS2011 #Boston project update – 1 week in.

If you were at BoS last week, you might remember Paul Kenny asked people to make a commitment to putting something in place in their business within 7 days of BoS2011 finishing and pass it on to someone else in the room. I am putting $10 (about £3 of your English pounds using an exchange rate from several decades ago) that no one has got as far as Noel Clarke – especially as he only started this on Friday last week.

He has taken the lead in the Alexis Ohanian #Suckless #BoS2011 challenge in a way I couldn't have hoped or imagined for…

"Hello Mark & Alexis,

I spoke with Brent Conway the principal of the Melrose Lincoln School – he was very excited and supportive – the project is underway! We will run the Lincoln School Computer Club on Friday Mornings at 7:30am before school for ~20 weeks.

We're offering the Programming Class to the Fifth Graders at the Lincoln School - we're going to start with 8 kids. See the attached document which went home in backpacks & as an email to request student applications. We're planning  finalize the student list by November 15th – 2011. 

I'm going to start the kids off with SCRATCH from MIT - because it is easy for kids to see results and get engaged.  Then move them over to simple iOS games iPhone & iPad.

We'll be highlighting our accomplishments at the Lincoln School STEM Night (Science Technology Engineering & Math) at the End of the Year Assembly.

Thanks very much for your support! I'll keep you updated on our progress.


Noel W. Clarke (Babson MBA '09)"

Exclusive Opportunity for a small group of 5th Graders

Computer programming

When: Friday Mornings, starting December 2nd.

Time: 7:30 AM-8:10 AM

Where: Lincoln School Computer Lab

Mr. Clarke is a Lincoln Parent who is interested in providing a unique opportunity to a group of 5th grade students who are interested in learning about programming. The students will create a program and share it with their classmates at the end of the year, and will have a special display during our STEM night in the spring. If there are many students interested, the students will then be asked to submit a one page summary of “Why I want to learn about Computer Programming.” We will notify students & parents by Wednesday, November 9th of the status of the registration.

Please complete this registration form and return it to the Lincoln School office by Monday, November 7, 2011. Please know that by signing this registration form, you are agreeing to have your child here promptly at 7:30AM on Fridays.

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Clayton Christensen at BoS2011 in 7 tweets

Some great tweetable lines from this year's Business of software Conference as collected by the inimitable Zuly Gonzalez of Light Point Security. Zuly won a Stack Exchange (stunning idea), sponsored place to Business of Software for being an awesome community member.

A sample here from the first talk by Professor Clayton Christensen…

Clayton Christensen

Clay Christensen Business of Software 2011

Image Credit: Betsy Weber. More BoS2011 photographs here.

-    “Worry about the bottom when thinking about who can kill you.”
-    “Pick a fight where the giant is more motivated to flee than fight you.”
-    “The market to make something more affordable and simple is often times a bigger market.”
-    “A business unit is not designed to evolve.”
-    “The customer rarely buys what the company thinks it is selling him.” ~ Peter Drucker
-    “Help people do what they want to do even better.”
-    “Invest when you don’t need the results of the investment. Innovation is a long term investment.”

Hop on over to her blog for the rest of her summary. Plenty more where that came from. Thanks Zuly and thanks Stack Exchange.

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6 great takeaways from BoS2011

Lots of blogging going on post Business of Software. We will link to, and run some of the stories, notes and opinions over the next few weeks.

First up, James Young, of EzCoC with his six key takeaways.

"Business of Software 2011
October 24-26
Boston, MA

I just arrived back home in Raleigh after attending this year’s Business of Software (#BoS2011) conference in Boston, MA.  Like last year’s event, it was really good, with an impressive lineup of speakers.  If someone asked me “Well, what did you really learn there?” I would say that the following are the basic (condensed) principals and recurring themes that I learned over the last 3 days:"

Nicely summarized this:

  • Creativity
  • Honesty
  • Test and Tweak, Always
  • #JFDI
  • Don’t Sell (Your Dream) Out
  • Ask

Read the full blog post here: Business of Software 2011 Overview: James Young, of EzCoC 

If you want us to link to your posts, or are prepared to offer up the whole thing for a guest blog, get in touch with mark at business of

Don't be shy!

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BoS 2011 in a picture

We didn’t get a chance to get all the speakers together at BoS 2011 for a photo, so I drew them instead. The image might be wider than the browser window, so expand it to see all the figures.

BoS 2011

There are other sizes / high-res for printing etc. on flickr.

I’m on twitter and Google+too. If you want to see my other drawings, they’re on facebook (<– please ‘like’ the page if you like them).


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And the winner of Alexis Ohanian’s Macbook Air is…

It’s complicated…

We had a metric f-tonne of entries. Thank you. We decided to award the prize to the person that had the most actionable idea that had a chance of scaling. There are two entries that we thought expressed particularly good ideas.

Some guy called Dharmesh(?):

Every great programmer should help two other developers just get started writing code. The sooner the better.!/dharmesh/status/129223285467660288

Richard Mitchell, who is an employee of Red Gate Software:

Make the world suck less by not giving me a mac book air – I don’t need it – give the money to a school instead!/richard_j_m/status/129285498467393536

Now Dharmesh don’t need (or want one), and Richard don’t want one neither so…

We thought we could combine the two notions. We will award the prize on behalf of them both and donate the Macbook Air to a public school in Melrose, just outside Boston. Why Melrose? Well Melrose is where Noel Clarke, a BoS attendee this year, lives and he got in touch and offered to help some kids learn programming. He also said he would donate an iPhone to the cause. I thought that exhibited the characteristics of awesome. Thank you.

We will then give two tickets to BoS2012 to two kids from the school that learn something in the next year. I am sure they will really enjoy it. Look out for them and be nice.

So I got in touch with Alexis with the new plan, this is what he said:

“So awesome! Love the plan. If we find a classroom, let’s ask what they need… or we could find a donors choose classroom in MA looking for programming related projects….(if only bc one air can only go so far) either way, very happy to price out an air and donate the 2k or so it’d have been 🙂 very awesome indeed.”

Great idea. Noel, thank you for being such a willing volunteer. If you can identify a school and work out what they need, lets make this happen. Thanks Alexis, thanks Dharmesh, thanks Richard and thank you Noel. If anyone else wants to get involved, I will put you in touch. Let us know how it goes and we look forward to seeing some new coders at Business of Software next year too.

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