
Unless you are awesome, you will be outsourced.

A great thought from Auren Hoffman, CEO of Rapleaf in his blog, Summation. Go and read the full post, the table is just a taster.

"Here are some things that will be less valued in the future and some things that will be more valued:

Less-valued More-valued Why?
General knowledge Judgment Search engines will be attached to our brain
Knowing more than one major spoken language
Sales in any language We’ll have universal translators
Coding Art Building things will be much easier.  Designing aesthetics will always be hard.
SAT scores Combining left-brained and right-brained thinking
Systems-thinking will be easier to outsource
Majoring in business Majoring in philosophy Learning to “think” will be more valued that just learning

Reminds me of Seth Godin's answer to a question from the audience at last year's Business of Software Conference where he stated baldly, (no pun intended but now I come to think about it):

"If there’s any job that could be written down, it gets done by freelancer. Because if we can write down exactly what we want, why on earth we need a brilliant person to do it? We get a competent person to do it. There are no competent people that work at our company."

Business of Software 2011, Boston, MA, October 24-26th 2011 For people growing sustainable, profitable, software businesses. If you book by 13th October and use the code, BoSAug, you will save $350 on the full ticket price.

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Crossing the Chasm | Geoffrey Moore | BoS USA 2009

What is context, what is core?

“I have to say if I have, to be in a business during this economy, I would want to be in a software business. A service led software business. Because it’s the most flexible. It’s the most, it can run to value faster than anything else on the planet.”

also available on the podcast


Video & Transcript below

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BoS2011 – where are people coming from?

Seems that Cambridge England is sending more people to BoS this year than are coming from Boston. That might just be something to do with the fact that Red Gate and the BLN, who run the event, are Cambridge based. By the way Toronto, you rock! Thanks for makeing the effort!

BoS2011 Origins

Fantastic to see Moscow, Sydney, Christchurch, Dublin, Tartu, Edinburgh and other places so well represented. Bring it on!

The Business of Software conference will be held in Boston, October 24-26th October 2011. Use code BoSSep to save $450 on the full ticket price until 22nd September.

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Sponsorship & profile raising opportunities at Business of Software.

As Business of Software has developed over the years, more and more organisations have asked how they can sponsor the event.

The simple answer is we have never taken sponsorship at the event as we have always been concerned that it will change the nature of what we are doing. Business of Software is the antithesis of the kind of event I went to recently where a dull session ended with the announcement that after the break there would be the, 'sponsor panel'. This consisted of four marketing/sales managers from the largest sponsors of the event talking about something. I don't know what, and neither did 180 of the 200 or so delegates who chose to carry on networking while the panel blew its course. This kind of thing doesn't do a sponsor any good and it doesn't do anything for the reputation of an event.

There has to be a better way of running and sponsoring events. Sponsors ultimately reduce the cost of events for delegates. We want to find a better way to help make Business of Software sustainable in the long term, help interesting organisations reach get known by our delegates and readers and allow us to invest in the long term future of the business. We think that is a good thing for everyone.

Organisations want to sponsor Business of Software because we have an extraordinary group of decision-making delegates and a blog that is read by people that matter. We want to let more people to share the learning from Business of Software and have been considering the possibility of live streaming the event this year.

This year, we are going to offer a single option for sponsorship of Business of Software. Sponsors will never have control of the content of the event. If you would be interested in raising your profile at Business of Software, please get in touch. We don't sell speaking slots, but we would love you to help us spread the BoS word more widely and raise your profile. 

Business of Software Sponsorship Package

  • A sponsoring organisation gets two conference passes.
  • BoS will make an additional ticket available to a worthy startup CEO in the sponsors name. We can help match you with a startup if you can't find one.
  • Sponsors will be offered the option of having a pop-up stand at the conference in the drinks area. Please note, this is NOT an exhibition area and would not be a stand with personnel.
  • Sponsorship $$ will be made available to pay for the livestreaming of Business of Software.
  • Sponsors will be recognised in the sign up process for livestreaming.
  • Sponsors can put their software in the App Sumo bundle.
  • Sponsors will be recognised in a blog post on the Business of Software blog. 
  • Sponsorship of Business of Software will be $11,500 to include conference passes.

Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss further

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Some things you need to know if you are coming to Business of Software 2011

Date and venue: October 24th-26th 2011 at the World Trade Center, Boston.

Workshops: Running on Monday afternoon and Wednesday lunchtime/early afternoon. List of workshops here. Long list with details of Monday workshops here. Long list with details of Wednesday workshops hereHelp with workshop registration here.

Want to make music with the BoS BOS Big Band on Monday night? Sign up here.

Business of Software 2011 on LinkedIn and Lanyrd.

Accommodation: The conference hotel is the Seaport. There is very little space left so act soon or you will be relying on AirBnB.

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Business of Software 2011 on Linked In, Lanyrd, Twitter

Please take a moment to let others know you are coming and add your name to the LinkedIn and Lanyrd event pages. You will be able to see who else is coming and identify people that you want to spend time with at the conference.

We also have a BoSConference Twitter account where you can follow latest news about the event.

You can also follow a list of some of the #BoS2011 attendees. If you are coming and want to be added to the list, send a message to @bosconference.

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BoS hotel almost full, ticket price rises on 22nd September.

Quick reminder to let you know you should be booking your hotel accommodation at the Seaport Hotel if you are planning on staying there. With over a month to go the the conference, we have exceeded our allocation on a few nights of the conference already and have less than 10 rooms available at best on any night. (You can of course choose to stay elsewhere but don't leave it too late to book accommodation. Boston is a great place to visit and this is a busy time of year).

Business of Software 2011, Boston, MA, October 24-26th2011 For people growing sustainable, profitable, software businesses.

Don't forget, if you haven't yet booked your place, if you book by 22nd September and use the code, BoSSep, you will save $450 on the full ticket price.

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Help with workshop registration for BoS2011 Workshops

Here are some instructions to help you register for the event workshops. I am sorry there are a few clicks involved. We will not be using the same registration software (RegOnline) next year.

BoS Confirmation

From your confirmation email, ‘Click here’ to review your detailed event record. If you don't have a confirmation email handy, go direct to the site and you will be asked for an email and password. 

BoS Change Registration

When you are logged in, click, ‘Change your registration.’

BoS Change Registration

Then click, ‘Event Fees.’ (Don’t worry, the fees are set at zero). Workshops are a part of the conference, the event management software just doesn’t understand…).

BoS Event Fees

Choose one workshop on the Monday, and one workshop on the Wednesday (or leave the session blank if you don’t want/can’t attend a session.

BoS Choose

Click ‘Continue’ Will ask you to click continue to save.

Click ‘Continue’ Fees will be $0. Click Finish.

 BoS Done

You are now done. Sorry it was not simple. You will now receive a confirmation email.

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Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It is off to the BoS workshops you go! Workshop timetable & sign up now live.

Here is the final list of Business of Software Workshops.

If you are already registered for the conference, you should go and register for your first choice as soon as you can. As these are workshops, space is limited and demand is likely to be high. You can sign up for the workshops by editing your agenda settings.

For instructions on how to register for the workshops, see here.

Please note that the workshops will be allocated on a first come first served basis so make your choice quickly!

Monday Workshops – FOR MORE DETAILS.

  • Paul Kenny,  Rewarding & Motivating Sales People.
  • Peldi, 40 releases a year? No sweat.
  • Alex Osterwalder, Applying Business Model Thinking
  • Nemo Chu, How to Crowdsource Customer Support with Q&A Sites
  • Richard Muscat, Inventing Purple Cows (or how to create Smart Ideas from nothing). 
  • Drew Colthorp, Patrick Foley, Planning for scale
  • Jason Cohen, Zuly Gonzalez, Ricardo Sanchez, Practice your pitch
  • Erik Pelton, The Future of Brands
  • Patrick McKenzie, SEO & Online Marketing 
  • Noah Kagan, Underground tactics to grow your newsletter subscribers to over 100,000. 
  • Guy Nirpaz, Using Customer Analytics to Increase Revenues of SaaS Businesses
  • Ernani Ferrari, Workshop: Internationalization & Localization – Expanding software markets. 
  • Rob Walling, Writing Game Changing Copy for Websites and Landing Pages

Wednesday Workshops – FOR MORE DETAILS.

  • Jason Cohen, Zuly Gonzalez, Ricardo Sanchez, Practice your pitch
  • Drew Colthorp, Patrick Foley, Planning for scale
  • Chris Byers, Changing Horses Midstream
  • Des Traynor, Customer Relationship Management for App OwnersNemo Chu, How to Near-Guarantee Marketing Results
  • Paul Kenny, Sales Skills
  • Beau Adkins, Setting up and managing a software project with Subversion and Trac
  • Corey Reid, Technology hiring/building a development team & the challenges of technical recruiting
  • Dirk Paessler, What do people do to keep their business _online_
  • Elizabeth Ayer, Where it Really Hurts:  finding the pain of your present and future customers
  • Ernani Ferrari, Workshop: Software Product Management – Maximizing investments. 
  • Dave Collins, Zen And The Art Of AdWords Maintenance: from exploited to predator in three simple steps.

If you haven’t yet registered, get going! Hope to see you there.

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New speaker at Business of Software 2011

Much excitement at Business of Software Towers with the news that Alexis Ohanian, (@knothing), co-founder of Reddit, investor, founder and all round activist in Hipmunk, (the only flight search engine that I can actually understand and a thing of such beauty that even my wife thinks it is cool).

Alexis gave a killer Lightning Talk at few years ago at Business of Software. We are delighted that he will be closing Business of Software and will be talking about how software makes the world suck less.

Reddit just got a great mention from Chris Anderson at TED this morning where there is a very active discussion about the best TED talks and TED speakers. I am really, really pleased to see that both Alexis Ohanian AND Rory Sutherland, who are both speaking at Business of Software this year, are mentioned in the list of top 12 speakers of all time. Awesome work! 

If you are planning on coming, register quick! Hotel space is running out and we have 40 delegate places left. If running out of space isn't bad enough, the price of a ticket rises on 21st September by another $100 so get going if you are going!

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Want to show off your company at BoS? Chief Sumo can help

I’m a fat-ass Sumo….and wherever my fat-ass goes, it attracts lots of attention.
I’m so big my gravitational field literally pulls eyes towards me!  
App sumo

This will be no exception at the Business of Software conference.  And perhaps I can share that attention with your company…..

Since I’m the Chief Sumo of…. I know a thing or two about getting your company massive exposure.  


Well if you wanna get your company more attention at BoS, then I have two important requests from you:

1.) Go to the BoS buffet quickly…because I WILL finish it.


2.) Send me software or memberships that you want given to all the attendees at BoS 2011.    


We’ll be rolling up a bunch of software and services (like a burrito) and giving it to attendees (who include industry badasses such as Jason Cohen, Patrick McKenzie, Derek Sivers and a bunch of other nerds on this page).

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your company spotlighted in this bundle?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have industry-giants have your company name highlighted in their brain?

Thought so.  

We’ve done this a few times including once at SuperConf.  The bundle got over 2,000 downloads from industry-only people.  Talk about razor-sharp demographics targeting.  

If you think getting fat-exposure at BoS 2011 is a GOOD THING…..then click the link below to find out how. 

BUT I WARN YOU….this fat Sumo is providing this bundle out of the goodness of my cholesterol-filled heart….so please be prompt with your submission.

Submissions close Oct. 10th.

After that, this free exposure offer is GONE.

So clicky-clicky below to get started:

Click here if you’re interested in getting our company massive exposure at BoS 2011 →            

The Chief “Buns of Steel” Sumo

In case you didn't already realise…

A guest blog from the team at App Sumo. They want to let 200,000 developers and entrepreneurial people know about your software…

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From $0-100million with no sales people. The Atlassian 10 commandments for startups

Scott Farquhar is the Co-Founder and CEO of Atlassian, an innovative, award-winning enterprise software company. Atlassian produces tools that help technical and business teams collaborate, plan projects and build software.

After this talk at Business of Software 2010, Atlassian achieved the remarkable accomplishment of reaching $100 million in sales despite employing no sales people.

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If music be the food of BoS, sign up and play on.

If anyone wants to get involved in the music at Monday night's event at the Whiskey Priest, please get in touch. We have a really good core of guitarists, bass, keyboard, bongos etc but would welcome more of the above or other instruments.

We need more cow bell. In fact, we currently have no cow bell.

I was particularly entertained to hear from Jeff Gibson at Intercept Solutions who sent me this picture of him at a previous gig in July. Jeff has since been co-opted, willingly into coordinating the music. Thank you very much. To be honest, I was expecting something a little more homestyle for Business of Software and if you play an instrument and want to get involved, we would love to hear back. Reasonable equipment will be provided on the day.

If you want to get involved ping an email to and let us know what you play.


No agents please.

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Someone that can't do email should not be at a technology conference but this is different!

Last year at Business of Software 2010, Young Me Moon gave a talk called, 'Different'. It was.

In a brilliant talk, she talked amongst other things, about the evolution of bottled water…

How can you differentiate between 50 brands of bottled water in one supermarket? In almost every instance, the managers of each and every one of those executives can tell you EXACTLY why and how their brand is different to the others. Sadly, for real people, no one cares very much. It doesn’t start out like this.

Choice - sparkling or still?

Choice – sparkling or still?

But soon escalates…

Water water everywhere how which drop to drink?

Water water everywhere but which drop to drink?

And then the supermarket looks intimidating…

Supermarkets are not consumer friendly anymore. They are intimidating.

Supermarkets are not consumer friendly anymore. They are intimidating.

I took this in my own mind to be a bad thing. I really cannot find it in my mind to give a carp about 99% of the bottled water on the shelves even if there is a brand and product marketing team behind every one who truly believes their product is a gift to the world. I don't care. Maybe you do. Then I saw these shelves with a whole bunch of fizzy drinks on them. 


© Martha Benedict

This is John Nese's store. It only stocks soda pop but it doesn't stock Coke or Pepsi. It is not intimidating. John Nese made me realise that I had got it wrong, Young Me Moon's message was more subtle.

Peldi at Balsamiq brought John to my attention and said that if we could get him, he would do a talk with him. Peldi and I love John's approach to business, life and the world. We think you will too. John wasn't hard to track down once we realised that he doesn't do email (so should have no place at a technology conference). He has a thing called a telephone that enables him to talk to people in the outside world. 

We are delighted to announce that John Nese and Peldi will be talking at Business of Software 2011. If you run a software business, are not Microsoft or Oracle, and don't learn something useful from John and Peldi, I will eat a straw hat.


© Martha Benedict

About John Nese and SodaPoPStop.

 Devoted to the art of soda pop and supporting the small businesses behind each bubbly drink, Galco’s Soda Pop Stop features more than 500 flavors of soda at its Los Angeles storefront and nationwide through its website at Beginning in 1897 as an Italian grocery store, Galco’s changed “flavors” when son John F. Nese took helm of his father’s store in 1995 and lined the shelves with classic, small-batch, exotic and hard-to-find sodas.

With a mission to support small soda makers, Galco’s motto is “Freedom of Choice” which mirrors Nese’s determination that customers have the right to choose from more than just a handful of mass-produced, big-business selections.

Today, sodas from all over the world can be found at Galco’s – brewed from Brazil to Jamaica, from Germany to Australia – and sought out traditional brands that use 50s, 60s and 70s recipes with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. Walking the aisle, sodaphiles can find flavors as diverse as cucumber, coconut and rose petals as well as traditional colas, ginger beers and sarsaparillas that are brewed by hard-to-find smaller bottlers. Galco’s features 450 unique micro beers and 60 types of bottled water.

For more information on Galco’s Soda Pop Stop visit but beware, here are the system requirements for the website if you want to have a look. I kid you not.

Q: What are the minimum system requirements?
A: You must have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later running on the Microsoft® Windows® 95, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT® version 4.0, or Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system. Hardware requirements are 16 MB of RAM and any Intel 486, Pentium, or Intel-compliant processor, or any DEC Alpha processor.

About Peldi

Giacomo 'Peldi' Guilizzoni is the founder and CEO of Balsamiq, makers of Balsamiq Mockups, the instantly-useful, forever-lovable wireframing software. Balsamiq is a tiny, nine-person multi-million dollar multinational, based out of Italy, France, New York and California. A programmer turned entrepreneur, Peldi lives to learn new skills and to share what he learns, be it via his blog, giving public talks or mentoring other software startups. More at

The Business of Software conference will be held in Boston, October 24-26th October 2011. Use code BoSSep to save $450 on the full ticket price until 21st September.

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How BoS2010 changed my life and helped make allinspections an amazing product!

A guest blog from Mike Hapner, President, Izon Analytics, LLC @mikehapner. Mike attended Business of Software in 2010 and was inspired to write about what he learned. Thanks Mike.

Mike Hapner.

First, a big thank you to @MarkLittlewood for letting me share this story.

For several years I had heard about this conference that a lot of my online tech/marketing/business heroes were involved in.  Right before the conference in 2010, I had just been asked to start a SaaS and mobile products division for a successful global mapping firm, so I figured it was time to make the investment and travel to Boston for the conference.  I expected to be impressed, but did not imagine the amazing impact it would have on my life and on the way we do business.

Those luminary people are awesome, but regular people, too!

@NeilDavidson started off the conference with something to the effect that everyone that was speaking was a real person, and were honored to be there… and that rang true for the entire conference.

@dharmesh Shah really undersold himself and then totally NAILED his presentation.  What a brain on that guy!  He really struck a chord with me.  It became crystal clear how important it is to track everything, and that it’s even more critical to use the metrics to make real decisions that drive customer satisfaction and other improvements.

@peldi Guilizzoni had already won me over as a customer of Balsamiq and had 100% impressed me with a service recovery via twitter.  I couldn’t believe I was sitting 10 feet away from him, and was blown away as he shared his success story in such a humble way.  Good guys DON’T finish last!

Seth Godin is probably my all time favorite marketer, and his incredible positive energy and insight did not disappoint. 

Joel @Spolsky was even gracious when I stalked him on a break just to shake his hand.  Side note:  He doesn’t know that whenever something goes wrong in Microsoft Excel, I yell “Spolsky!!!” even though he hasn’t worked there in something like 20 years.


After getting my mind blown at the conference, I came home and immediately devoured everything I could get my hands on that had been mentioned by the speakers.  This included a ton of blogs and the Inbound Marketing and The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development books.  As another aside – I’ve given away about 10 copies of Inbound Marketing so far.

At the conference, Dharmesh didn’t do a real sales pitch for HubSpot, but the more I started playing with their free tools online, and understanding what I was studying in Inbound Marketing, the more I saw the benefit of signing up and using HubSpot.  The thought of REAL, ALREADY-INTERESTED leads coming in on the website, and not having to cold-call and chase prospects is just so appealing!!!   With Hubspot’s help, we went from zero traffic to tons of the right kind of traffic and leads in just a few months, and are continuing to optimize and test our way to even higher conversion rates.

Getting out of the building

Once I had all this knowledge implanted in my head, it was time to start using it.  We had a working prototype of ourallinspections mobile and web software for home inspectors, but up until then, we had only talked to 2 or 3 real live home inspectors – shame on us.  Our little business development team committed 100% to the "Lean Startup" and "Customer Development" concepts that I had taken away from the conference.  Over the next few months we talked to 100s of future prospects and did no selling:  we simply asked them a million questions about how they currently did their work, what the big headaches were for them, and how they thought their problems could be solved.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to get out of the building and talk to real people. 

Product development

Once all of those customer stories started blending into a chorus of the same problems, we were able to improve our working prototype and get it in front of real prospects that could use it to ease the pains they had explained to us.  Because we had done so much Customer Development work, our prospects really saw how it helped, and how well we understood them even though we weren’t veterans of their industry.   This has translated to amazing results in terms of adoption and monthly growth.  We also made customer service our top priority, and really went overboard to make sure everyone was taken care of.  We’ve lost count of the times when customers "ooohh" and "ahhhhh" and shower us with praises, even when we’re on a technical support call helping them with a problem!

Product sales – FINALLY!

Now that the product is stable and our customers are saying awesome things about us, we are really making the transition to a sales organization.  The fruits of our early Customer Development and Inbound Marketing efforts are truly paying off.  In fact, we are so busy with customer meetings, tradeshows, and the like that we’re not going to be able to attend the Business of Software conference this year.  Bummer.  We’re hoping to be there next year, and even do a lightning talk – hint. hint.

Go to BOS2011.  Be inspired.  Try what you learn.  Be amazed.


President, Izon Analytics, LLC

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Things I Learned Selling My Business To Microsoft | Eric Sink | BoS USA 2010

Eric Sink is the author of Eric Sink on the Business of Software and Version Control by example. He is the founder of SourceGear, a source control system vendor. He also founded the AbiWord project, and lead the team that built the SpyGlass browser, now known as “Internet Explorer”. He’s the first to have coined the term “Micro-ISV”. This is his talk about selling Teamprise to Microsoft in 2010.

Video, Notes, Slides & Transcript below

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