February 19, 2016 by Mark Littlewood
A viral hoax is doing the rounds that suggests if you set the date on your iPhone or iPad before January 1st 1970, you’re accessing an easter egg that gives the device a ‘retro feel’. One of those stories that you check on Snopes but there seems to be something in it.
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February 17, 2016 by Mark T Littlewood
Literally a billion dollar (or more) question we asked Stephen Allott, a man who has been there and done it numerous times – most notably through his experience with Micromuse (NASDAQ: MUSE).
Stephen took questions from Mark and an audience of software entrepreneurs on what are the most critical factors in growing a software business from startup, to scale up, to IPO. See the video below from the hangout, and join us for our regular master classes from some of the world’s most leading thinkers and practitioners in software scaling.
Stephen will be talking at Business of Software Europe Conference in Dublin on 16-17 of May 2016. Book your ticket now or see who else is talking.
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February 11, 2016 by Mark T Littlewood
This is a guest blog post from Mark Stephens, the original posting of which can be found here. Mark is a previous BoS Lightning Talk speaker and Systems Architect/Lead Developer at IDR Solutions and took a few moments to note why he will be coming back to BoS in 2016.
Software conferences consume lots of time, money and emotional energy. So you need a good reason to include one in your agenda. I tend to limit mine to really important sales events (JavaOne), things I believe passionately in and want to support (NetBeans days) or the chance to go somewhere amazing and be part of an awesome event (DevFest Istanbul).
In the past, I have also been to Business of Software. I first attended in 2008 (which was a real eyeopener for me on how to run a business. In 2009, I did the Lightning talks (still the most scary event in my life) and in 2010 I was lucky enough to go back as a speaker. Since then the date has clashed with JavaOne and I have got out of the habit of attending.
This year I have decided that it is time to return. There are of reasons to go (we have several clients in Boston, I love the city, etc) but my 3 main reasons are:
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January 29, 2016 by Mark Littlewood
Bill Janeway, Founder of Warburg Pincus’ High Tech Investment team and investor founder of such companies as BEA Systems and Veritas Software is also a Cambridge academic who has analysed the economics of stock market bubbles over the years.
Are investment bubbles a good or a bad thing? The answer may surprise you. (No! It really might, this isn’t buzzfeed).
Bill argues, very cogently, that ‘productive bubbles’ are not only a good thing, they are essential to enable the creation of huge, market-transforming, disruptive ideas.
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January 29, 2016 by Mark Littlewood
What a week for Artificial Intelligence.
The death of Marvin Minsky and the announcement of a huge breakthrough in the field as the Google DeepMind team defeats professional Go player, Fan Hui five times in a row. The latter was expected to happen one day, but not for ten years.
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January 11, 2016 by Mark T Littlewood
Lake Superior University recently announced their 41st Annual List of Banished words and phrases. A collection of letters that when combined, produce sounds and meanings so heinous, they don’t deserve to be uttered any longer. Some of those listed were ‘vape’, ‘manspreading’, and ‘break the internet’ which frankly, is fair enough.
Unfortunately, Lake Superior missed one phrase, and the record needs to be set straight.
What is the most overused, and ultimately meaningless phrase in the world of marketing today?
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January 4, 2016 by Paddy Heaton
Laura considers the value of ‘Open’ and what it means for entrepreneurs, society, privacy and for you.
A strong believer in the value of open working, Laura talks about how the maker movement, driven in Cambridge equally by software, hardware and wider communities has brought people together in a creative space. What happened when a bunch of people who know different things get together to build a creative community space that welcomes engineers, designers, software people, artists, hobbyists and anyone who likes to play with big machines. How has this community fueled entrepreneurial activity as a result?
Video, Slides & Transcript below
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January 4, 2016 by Paddy Heaton
Most of us know (or think we know) ‘instinctively’ what makes an engaging website. Some of us make a career out of optimising user experiences online. Here is some of the science behind that optimisation.
Video below
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January 4, 2016 by Paddy Heaton
Paul shares lessons from his experience as co-founder and CEO of Indeed, the world’s leading job site, from inception in 2004 to over 1000 employees today. Outlining the company’s evolution from start-up to a global organization with offices in 11 countries, Paul identifies challenges and pitfalls relevant to many early-stage technology firms. When you’re growing a company rapidly, what changes and what stays the same? Paul will talk about the principles and lessons that he learned throughout the journey to build, grow and sell Indeed.com
Slides, Video & Transcript below
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December 22, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
Finding a good SEO is akin to getting a reliable builder – it’s tough to get one. But once you know you have found someone who fits the bill and you can trust, it’s worth hanging onto them.
Despite every effort to not admit it – Dave Collins, Founder of Software Promotions and Co-Founder of SmartSEOtraining, is an excellent SEO and someone with great knowledge of what makes websites work and be seen.
In 2014, Dave took to the BoS USA stage to offer candid feedback on websites volunteered by the audience. After hearing Dave’s advice in the talk, every website has been changed.
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December 14, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
Putting on a conference is hard work (we know, not as hard as running a software business!). Fortunately, we have the best guests in the world. These were just a few of the things that people said in September when we sat back at the end of the conference, exhausted, and said, “Was it worth it?”
Thank you.
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December 14, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
September 21-23 2015. Boston.
300 Software Managers, Founders, CEO’s and leaders filled the auditorium in the World Trade Centre once again for the 9th Business of Software Conference USA.
This year saw a fight back against the unicorn culture sweeping the tech world and Silicon Valley. We instead provided value for attendees in values: Growing software and Tech companies for all the right reasons – to help people and scaling businesses that produce profit in the long term.
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December 14, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
This is a guest blog post from Swami Kumaresan, Founder of Databox – a tool which aggregates data for marketers, allowing them to focus on what’s important. The original post can be seen here.
I think I’m awesome, and here’s why:
Well, at least that’s how I feel today. I don’t always feel that way. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work and build a company with the Databox team, but life as a startup CEO doesn’t always feel as awesome as the title might make it sound. But over the last two weeks I’ve been working on this video. If you take a couple of minutes to watch it you’ll see that it’s not exactly the cinematic achievement of the century. But we needed a video to kick off our Early Access Program for growth marketers and the agencies I spoke to wanted 4-6 weeks and $12,000. Ouch! That sounded like “a year and $100,000,000” to a startup guy.
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December 9, 2015 by Mark Littlewood
We get asked a lot about how we choose speakers and how people can go about applying to speak at Business of Software Conferences. In the hope that this helps people apply to speak at any event successfully, not just Business of Software Conference.
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December 1, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
This post is a guest blog post originally posted on David Heinemeier Hansson’s Medium page and has been reposted here with David’s permission. We thought it is important to share it as it speaks so much to what Business of Software is about – Creating Businesses for all the Right Reasons, not just the money.
I grew up lower-middle class on the outskirts of Copenhagen. Anywhere outside of Scandinavia, the socioeconomic label would probably have been ‘poor’, but Danish safety nets and support systems did their best to suspend the facts and offer better.
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November 27, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
The Business of Software team is committed to delivering one thing above all else. Value.
So when we say you can speak with some of the world’s leading professionals in a whole range of disciplines, and ask them anything, free… we hope you agree we deliver such value.
We’ve held hangouts with many different speakers, from DHH to Rand Fishkin. Check out the playlist below for all of the hangouts from Business of Software. They’re all free to attend and ask questions at. Join our updates here to find out when our next AMA’s are happening.
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November 26, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
What started out as a project to boost the number of applications to Computer Science at Cambridge University by inspiring a generation of children programmers has turned into a worldwide revolution.
November 26th marked the release of Raspberry Pi Zero – a five dollar computer.
Just think.
Five dollars.
Jack Lang, Chairman of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and part of the original Pi Team, took to the Business of Software Europe stage to share the story of Raspberry Pi in 2015: It’s incredible journey from project, to world changer.
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November 26, 2015 by Mark Littlewood
Some Things Creep Up On You.
Change is like that. The world keeps on changing but you just don’t notice because you are so close to it but sometimes, something happens that makes you take notice.
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November 26, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
“With SaaS you need to win the customer every month – you need to retain them”
Meet a man with a ‘colourful’ and ‘non-traditional’ past. Duane Jackson.
Duane’s story is well documented. You can hear the full story here. To sum it up in a sentence, Duane has bounced from children’s home… to prison… to accounting software.
But when we caught up with Duane for an AMA, the talk was far more practical than the inspirational message delivered at BoS Europe 2015. Duane built a successful accounting SaaS business incrementally over a number of years, before ‘upselling’ for an undisclosed sum reported to be in the region of £20 million. His marketing knowledge and natural business acumen are worthy of paying attention to – as are his words of advice.
Below is the hangout itself, but also some highlights from the AMA.
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November 22, 2015 by Mark Littlewood
Innovating User Experiences.
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