
The story behind the Hudson River plane crash reconstruction

If you’re one of the 1.8 million people who’ve viewed the youtube 3D reconstruction of the Hudson River plane crash then you probably think it was a straightforward, runaway viral success. But the truth is different: it’s an illustration of how luck, time, hard work and old media are all needed to create an overnight sensation. Here I talk with Dan Nunan, the CEO of Scene Systems, the company that produced the video.

Neil Davidson: Tell me the background of the reconstruction

Dan Nunan: It all started at Legal Tech – a big tradeshow held once a year at the New York Hilton. We were new to the industry, and initially were only going to window-shop. But I got offered a price for a booth that I couldn’t refuse. I felt pretty smug with my bargaining until I remembered that we only had four days to put something together. It wasn’t enough time to get a fancy stand built, and one look at the dust gathering on the office laser printer told me that we would be at the mercy of Kinkos for anything printed. T-Shirts weren’t really the style for lawyers – so what could we do? One of my team – Steve Breeze – was watching the news, and saw an animated reconstruction of the US Airways Hudson river crash – you know, the one where the pilot glides in and lands the plane on the Hudson without any engines. And everyone survives. Now Steve just happened to have a background of producing high-end animations for TV, and thought that he could do a much better job. So we thought we would see if we could hire a big screen, and just show this animation.

There were three hundred and fifty other companies at the show, and we wanted to do something that would stand out. The Hudson plane crash had happened a couple of weeks earlier. It was a great candidate – plenty of drama, and it had a happy ending. Everyone in New York was still talking about it. It took two people two days to put the animation together, working from the information we mostly got from the Wall Street Journal and other newspapers. Because we thought it was just for the show Steve decided to use his TV production skills to edit some sections and increase the dramatic effect.

Neil: So everybody came over to your stand to see the crash reconstruction, and it took off from there?

Dan: Yes, but it wasn’t as straightforward as that. The tradeshow started on February 2nd. When we arrived in New York we realised we didn’t know anyone going to the show. February 1st was Superbowl Sunday. So we decided to have a Superbowl party. The only catch would be how we actually got people to turn up, not knowing anyone being something of a stumbling block for throwing good parties. I got the member of the team who was the football fanatic to join Twitter and mention and put the conference tag into the ‘tweet’ There were a lot of people at the conference using Twitter, and searching for traffic about the conference, so a few people picked up on the party.

We were staying in a lousy hotel with a great lobby, so even if no-one turned up it was a short trip back to our rooms. In the end about fifteen people turned up, but these were some high-end influencers. Between them, they had thousands of Twitter followers. We bought them some beer, and then they started buying us beer. In the end, the whole thing only cost us fifty dollars.

Neil: Did you show them the animation at this party?

Dan: No – we just said that we had done one, and that they should come and see us at the tradeshow the next day. We hadn’t even gotten round to putting it on youtube at this point.

So we had lots of people come to see the animation – we probably spoke to 900 people, which was hard work as there were only three of us on the booth at a time. We become very good at running two or three conversations at the same time. They were all twittering about it: stuff like this conference is really boring, but check out the plane crash reconstruction at Scene Systems’ stand. A few people blogged about it too, and then the pro journalists started getting in touch wondering what the fuss was about. After the conference finished, we put it up on youtube and e-mailed some contacts we had about it.

Neil: Then they told all their friends and it snowballed from there?

No, not yet. About fifteen thousand people had viewed it on YouTube at this point. People were starting to pirate our video too – they were downloading it from youtube, editing it, and then putting it back up onto youtube. At the start these pirated videos were getting many more views than our original one.

Neil: How did you react to that?

My first instinct was to send them a legal threat asking them to cease and desist. But Virgil – he’s a recent graduate who’s just started working for us – told us that that isn’t the way it works on youtube. I started to feel really old. He wrote to the pirates and gave them higher quality videos to work with. We copied their idea of overlaying the audio onto the animation – we pirated the pirates – and put them into our video too. They linked back to our original video, so that drove even more traffic.

Neil: Was that the point it took off?

No, not yet. One of the people I’d met at the conference was Jim Haggerty. He’s a lawyer who runs a PR firm that specialises in crisis PR. He called me and said that he knows lots of journalists and could get us some really good press. I was sceptical – every PR guy claims to know journalists – but he was as good as his word – a couple of days later we had consecutive pieces in the Wall Street Journal.

That’s the point it started to take off. It was interesting watching it spread. We were tracking people’s IP addresses so we could see where the internet traffic was coming from. One day we’d notice that someone at Boeing had watched the video, then, within hours, two or three thousand people from Boeing would have watched it. The same thing happened with other big firms and government departments in the US, the Federal Aviation Authority and lots of big law firms too.

Neil: So it spread via e-mail and twitter?

Dan: Yes, but that’s not how it went mainstream. Most people, most normal people, don’t have twitter, or watch youtube. But journalists do. So we started getting calls from journalists asking if they could cover us. That’s where having a PR agency really helps. We tried to cope ourselves, but failed. In the heat of the moment we forgot that we had a PR agency. We had three national TV channels all asking us for information on the same day – they all wanted the video, but in slightly different formats. We screwed up, and lost the story on one of the channels. But it still went onto ABC that night, on the Rachel Maddow show, and was repeated on about a dozen channels after that.

And that’s when it really went mainstream. That caused the second wave. People saw it on television and then went on to the Internet and watched it. Pretty much every online publication had covered it in some way. Two weeks after we put the video online over a million people had watched it.

Neil: But did this actually generate any new business for you?

Dan: It’s too early to tell. We don’t specialise in crash reconstructions – we provide graphics and visuals for the legal system. One problem with the legal system is that it’s based on verbal argument. But this is often a bad way of presenting complex information to both judges and juries. Take a complex car crash – how do you explain what each person saw so as to establish what happened? You can have experts presenting reams of data, or you can show it visually. We use our own animation software to quickly create 3D reconstructions that explain complex evidence to an audience who aren&#
39;t technical experts, such
as juries. For example, we can quickly switch between different points of view, or focus in on a specific detail – such a pot-hole in the road or a part of the car that failed. The link between this and plane crash reconstructions is only tangential.

So, to come back to your question, although about two million people have now viewed the video, we’ve only had a dozen or so serious leads. It’s the difference between publicity and PR. A lot of eyeballs, but you aren’t after 1% of any old audience but 100% of the market that is right for you. But we’re hopeful they’ll be fruitful.

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How to get a speaking slot at a conference

How to get a speaking slot at a conference

Over the past three years I’ve received hundreds of e-mails from people who want to speak at the Business of Software conference I run with Joel Spolsky.

Over time, I’ve reached conclusions about the best ways to get a speaking slot, at this or any other conference. Here are some does and don’ts:

Do write a personal note, tailored specifically to the conference

Don’t get your PR agency / PA to write on your behalf. ‘My client/boss is fabulous and important and would like to speak’ is not going to get your client/boss a speaking slot.

Do stand out from the crowd. If you’re running a 20 person company / have written a book / have raised $10m in funding then that’s a great achievement, but it doesn’t stand out. Tell me something unique.

Don’t just rely on your personal reputation. Unless you’re really, really famous, of course.

Don’t offer a standard stance on a broad, much-discussed topic (‘why agile software development is a good / bad thing’, for example)

Do tell me something I don’t know. Take an unusual stance on a familiar topic, or choose a narrow topic.

Do demonstrate your skills. Include a five minute youtube demo of you on top form. Surprisingly few people do this

Don’t just pitch your product / service

To illustrate, here are three examples of pitches I’ve received.

First of all, here’s a superb one from Matt Mason which follows most of the rules. My comments are in red.

From: Matt Mason []
Sent: 23 August 2007 19:17
Subject: Speaking at Business of Software 2007

Dear Sir/Madam [minor failing – you could found out my name easily],

I’m very interested in the possibility of speaking at Business of Software 2007 – it seems there is a lot of synergy between your event and the topic of my new book. This year’s theme, back to fundamentals [good – you’ve done your research] gels very well with what I talk about – the fundamental difference between right and wrong when it comes to piracy and competition, especially in relation to the software industry [good – links to the conference topic]. My name is Matt Mason, I’m the author of The Pirate’s Dilemma: How Youth Culture Reinvented Capitalism, which examines how piracy and some other subversive ideas are reshaping society and driving innovation. [sounds pretty cool to me]

The problem of how to respond to piracy and the challenge presented by new ways to share information and resources is one facing people everywhere, and it’s an issue that commands a new perspective. I make the case that piracy is not something companies and individuals should always necessarily fight, but compete with instead. The book is a take on the economic concept known as the Prisoner’s Dilemma: What is the difference between fighting pirates, competing and collaborating with them? Is piracy actually a solution to a problem that hasn’t been identified correctly? Does piracy change the models of competition that capitalism has succeeded on for so long? Does it actually expose contradictions between those models and their realities? Do recent but forgotten episodes in the history of capitalism hold the answers? I use a lot of fascinating case studies, and just a little bit of game theory, to help answer these questions and assess the best path of action for corporations who are dogged by piracy now, but whose response in the immediate will affect whether or not they come out on top long-term. [you’ve really piqued my interest now]

The book is coming out in the U.S. in January through Simon & Schuster, and through Penguin in the U.K. [good – you’ve persuaded some influential people that you’ve got something worth saying] In the run up to the launch I’m speaking in both countries, doing both keynotes and breakout sessions. I have developed a lively, exciting talk which brings the concepts from the book to life, involves the listener and will generate discussion and give your audience an insight into new ways to think about how we as a society share and exchange information, as new technology and some ideas that emerged from youth culture re-draw the lines between right and wrong.

I became fascinated with piracy as a teenager, I’m an ex-pirate radio DJ originally from London (now based in New York City) and the founder of RWD Magazine ( [you sound like someone I’d like to meet. But what’s RWD?]. RWD is one of the largest music magazines and youth brands in the UK, and one of the largest urban music websites in the world. As a writer I’ve been at the intersection between youth culture and innovation for many years, covering new sounds, scenes and trends for magazines in 12 countries, and I helped build a successful business that won more than a few awards [you’re a high achiever too]. As a consultant, I’ve worked with everyone from wily start-ups to blue chips to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown [I won’t hold this against you].

Please do let me know if this is something you’d be interested in hearing more about – I can send you a galley of the book, you can also find more information on my website.

Kind Regards,

Matt Mason
Author, The Pirate’s Dilemma

image [Nice picture]


Matt got a speaking slot, and was awesome.

Secondly, here’s an average e-mail. Not dire, but it just didn’t stand out. I’ve edited it to preserve anonymity.

Sent: ———- 2007
To: Neil Davidson
Subject: Speaking at Business of Software Conference
Importance: High [To you maybe]

Hi Neil [Good – you addressed me by name],

I hope things are well with you.

I wanted to find out if you are still accepting speaking proposals for the Business of Software conference happening in San Jose, California this October. Your speaker list is quite [hmm, faint praise] impressive and I see you still have some slots available. I wanted to see if you’d be interested in a proposal from my client [oh-oh] XXXX – and their CEO, YYYYY. YYYYY is a successful entrepreneur, developer and software executive [as are thirty other people who’ve taken the trouble to write to me personally] who has spoken at high-level IT conferences, including AAAA, BBBB and C
CCC. [Mildly impressive, but it still doesn’t mean he’s any good]

Looking forward to your thoughts.


[Name removed]

Finally, be prepared to break all the rules:

From: Alexis Ohanian [that name sounds familiar]
Sent: 21 June 2008 02:02
Subject: pechakucha sign-up

Who I am:  Pierre Francois [wtf? Thought you were called Alexis]

What I’d like to speak about: How to start, run, and sell a web 2.0 startup

Why I should speak: Because I’m Pierre Francois [wtf?]


Fact: 99% of people who submit feedback to a website are genuinely looking for help. The other 1% are crazy. wants the crazy emails. [wtf?]

Alexis Ohanian
cofounder @ [ahh, I see]
swine-defender [wtf?] @ [wtf?]

Alexis went on to win the pecha kucha competition.

Finally – one of my favourite Woody Allen quotes – 80% of success is showing up. The first, most important, step in speaking at a conference is to ask. The odds of success are still small, but they’re much higher than if you don’t.


11 years and 16 conferences and countless smaller events later, we get over 500 applications a year to speak at an event that is deliberately capped at a maximum audience of 400 people. We’ve refined our selection criteria. This advice still holds good for anyone wanting to further their speaking career, but for those of you looking to up your game, we have some updated advice.

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The one, two of product marketing

“What’s your definition of marketing?” someone asked me a few days ago. I mumbled something vague and quickly passed the question on to the next person at the table.

People get hung up on definitions, trying to understand exactly what is sales and what is marketing and where the lexical boundary between the two lies. Much better to stop defining and start doing, I think.

But what does ‘doing marketing’ involve?

For me, it’s about reaching people who need your product, and then making them want it. There are two steps there and they’re both required. If you can reach your audience, but they don’t want your product, you’re doomed. If your audience wants your product, but you can’t reach them, then you’re doomed too.

A few weeks ago I sat in on a presentation given by a Cambridge University academic. Marketing, he said, is all about building a better product. Build a product that’s five, or ten, times better than your competitors and people will bash down your door to buy it. And if that doesn’t happen? Well, in that case the trick is to make your product even more brilliant.

This academic is only thinking about the second link in the chain, and is taking the narrow view that making a superb product is the only way to make your customers want to buy it. But there are other ways too – creating a tribe that people want to belong to, building a product that’s cheaper than your competitor’s or creating something that’s just a little bit better than the rest are all valid paths to take.

It’s less common for software companies to succeed in fulfilling the first step – since it’s so rare they even try – and fail the second, but one notable example is Windows Vista which people refused to buy despite near ubiquitous advertising. Everybody has their pet reasons as to why this was: mine include confused messaging, impossible to understand bundling and bewildering advertising.

So how do you reach your target audience?

There are many ways, but none of them is the single truth. If your target market is highly internally connected, and if your product is worth talking about, then sometimes you can reach a few key people inside the group and they will spread the word for you, much like a well evolved virus can spread like wildfire through a dense population. But don’t forget you need the second link in the chain too, which is ever so easy to do.

But that’s a hard trick to pull off. If your idea spreads too quickly, or too slowly, or is too sticky, or not sticky enough, if your market is too large, or too small, or too interconnected, or not interconnected enough, then it will flash through the population and burn out (the Hampster Dance) or simply fade away (think Snakes on a Plane).

If your market has no internal connections, or if you have a product that people are unlikely to talk about, then you need to reach people on your own, using traditional broadcast marketing such as advertising, product reviews and the more modern tools of blogging, Twitter and Google adwords.

Of course, the most likely scenario is that you need to do both. The characteristics of your product and market are probably such that you can’t just light the kindling and step back to watch as the market catches fire and blazes, but neither will you need to individually light every single twig.

The odds are that getting your fire going will be a long, hard slog requiring careful and regular stoking over many weeks, months and years.

Agree or disagree with my views on marketing? Post here.

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Greasing the wheels for persuasion

A few weeks ago I gave a very short speech at the Cambridge University Entrepreneurs society. It bombed. As I was speaking, all I could see was boredom on the ocean of passive faces in the audience.

I thought I had done everything right. I had solid content, I had what I thought was an interesting angle, and I’d prepared well. So why did it go down so badly?

At the time, I blamed Doug Richard. He’d spoken before me. My dull talk was lost in the afterimage of his irritatingly brilliant, insightful, captivating, amusing and apparently impromptu speech. The bastard.

But maybe my talk wasn’t so dull after all.

Jennifer Aaker just tweeted about this article on the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

The headline is that if you want your message to stand out, make sure it follows something dull. This is an extraordinary finding:

You can change the impact of your message without altering a single word or pixel.

If your message follows one from a source that isn’t credible, your message will be more credible.

If it follows a message with little information, yours will seem to contain more information.

Of course, the opposite holds true too. I’m now reassured that my talk wasn’t intrinsically dull – that was just an illusion in the minds of the audience.

This opens up intriguing possibilties for marketing too:

Want somebody to reply to your marketing e-mail? Send out a tedious, poorly written e-mail about gardening equipment five minutes earlier.

Want somebody to click on your banner ad? Insert a dull, dummy one for rod draining as the first frame.

And so on. Got any better ideas of how to apply psychology to marketing? Post here …

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Hot or Not, Part Deux

Today’s guest post is by Simon Galbraith. Simon is co-founder and joint CEO of Red Gate Software.

I’ve been a long-time believer that, correctly chosen, professional photography is a key element in marketing. I’ve backed this belief with the money of my company and have approved countless campaigns that involve professionally taken photographs.

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about an experiment where four of us (including two world experts in marketing) guessed how two photos of me posted under aliases on would be ranked. I also asked readers of this blog to comment on how they thought the rankings would turn out.  As expected almost everyone thought the professionally taken photo would score higher.  The only differences were the actual numbers.
Here are the hotornot results based on the professionally taken photo of “Jeremy” (left), and the point-and-click amateur photograph of “Aden” (right). Click on the images to view larger versions.


Surprise! The professionally taken photograph scored substantially lower (8.1, 79%) than the amateur photo (8.7, 86%), both in absolute terms and in the percentage ranking of attractiveness.

I’ve a quick confession to make: had the professional photograph scored higher than the amateur photograph, I would have immediately stopped thinking about this issue and have considered my case totally proven. But when the results belied a premise I’ve supported with huge sums of money, I was compelled to find a way to prove the experiment wrong; to start looking at the sample size, the details of the photo and so on.

Hotornot is a compelling site and it has a whole heap of great features enabling people to show increasing levels of interest that might ultimately lead to a relationship. I thought I might be able to use some of the more anecdotal data on hotornot to demonstrate that although the score for professionally photographed Jeremy was lower, it actually was better by some other measure.

Although less statistically rigorous, the results from my further study were the same. Aden has had one woman approach him to meet, whereas Jeremy hasn’t had that honor. Aden has been “favorited” twice by women, compared to Jeremy’s one solitary bit of interest. In every way I could think of to analyze it, Jeremy did worse than Aden.

Looking at the outliers in the histogram is interesting. Aden is more polarizing – more women ranked him at the extreme ends of the scale.  This might be valuable from a marketing point of view – perhaps people who are prone to polarization are more likely to take notice and act (another theory I’m now propounding that I need to prove).

I asked the opinion of some experts who work for the best marketers in the world, and their opinion was worthless compared to an experiment that took less than an hour to set up and cost me nothing. Given the eye-popping sums I’ve spent so far on marketing with professional photographs, it seems crazy that I haven’t tested this before. I’m still not sure that I want to use amateurish photos in our marketing, but now I have to admit that my past decisions have been based on blind prejudice rather than wise insight. It leads me to wonder: how many other of my opinions are as fact-free as my views on professionally taken photographs?

On a personal note, I’m amazed and flattered that I scored so much better than when I was a shy 16-year-old, but I suspect that might come down to the rather unusual way that hotornot averages the numbers in the histograms rather than a change in my attractiveness.  But, in this case, it might not be worth analyzing too closely.

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What do Seth Godin, a thug and a serial killer have in common?

In I.D., Philip Davis’s 1995 film, Reece Dinsdale plays John, one of four undercover policemen sent to infiltrate a group of football hooligans at the fictional Shadwell Football Club. As John starts drinking, fighting and copying the behaviour of the thugs he is monitoring, he slowly becomes one of them.In the final scene, we see him at a neo-Nazi march.

In Dexter, Michael C. Hall plays a serial killer who hides his true identity. To fit in with society, he learns to fake the emotions that he lacks but others have. Towards the end of the second series – series 3 hasn’t aired in the UK yet – Dexter is showing signs of developing the feelings he has long been feigning.

But what has this got to do with Seth Godin?

A few weeks ago, I was at Seth’s talk in London. Somebody from the audience asked Seth how he became the person he now is.

Seth replied (and I’m paraphrasing here – Seth was more eloquent than this – but I think I’ve caught the gist):

“When I started out, I had this idea of ‘Seth Godin’, the person I wanted to be. This person had certain standards, and would behave in certain ways. He was ultra-ethical and would do nothing to contradict the principles of permission marketing. Whenever I was faced by a tricky question, I asked myself “what would ‘Seth Godin’ do”. And, over time, I became the person I wanted to be.”

I’d like to make one point, and ask one question.

Firstly, rather than asking “What would Bill Gates do?” to gain perspective when faced by a difficult problem, you can ask what the hypothetical you – the person you aspire to be – would do.

Secondly, if you consistently do that, will you, over time, become the person that you want to be, as Seth has? Or will you just be a fraud whose actions betray your essence?

Post here …

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Projects from hell – chill or scream?

In June last year, at Tech Ed in Orlando, Red Gate announced that we’d soon be launching an archiving tool for Microsoft Exchange. The beta was weeks away, and we’d release a final version by November. But the signs were already bad – the team was hitting problems and deadlines were whizzing past. The target release date hurpled relentlessly from November to December, then to January and then beyond. And although the team worked as hard and fast as Achilles himself, and the gap narrowed, it seemed they would never catch it. Zeno would have been proud.

It’s a reminder of how even the best teams (and the team working on this is awesome), can get bogged down. But there’s a bright side. We’re not as bad as some people, and although I shouldn’t revel in other people’s mistakes, sometimes it can be reassuring.

Legend has it that in 1966 Marvin Minsky – a man who Isaac Asimov described as one of only two people cleverer than himself – assigned Gerald Sussman, an undergraduate, the task of solving computer vision. As a summer project. Forty years on and, although some astonishing advances have been made, the problem remains unsolved.

In 1960, Ted Nelson founded Project Xanadu, software that would allow people to cross-reference and version the world’s information. In 2007, Project Xanadu released version 1.0 of XanaduSpace.

On 28th April 1997, 3D Realms announced the upcoming release of Duke Nukem Forever. It still hasn’t shipped. According to the web site, it will be released “when it’s done”.

No matter how competent – nay, brilliant – you are, and no matter how hard you try, things go wrong. What defines you is how you react. Do you bang the table, shout “THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE” and force the team to ship something, anything? Or do you say hey, shit happens, c’est la vie, it’ll be ready when it’s ready? Of course, either of these actions can be appropriate in the right circumstances, but how do you make sure you’re not screaming when you should be chilling, and chilling when you should be screaming? And when is something more measured appropriate? Post here.

And what’s the worst project you’ve ever been on? Post here.

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P.S. We’re currently hoping to get the product shipped by Tech Ed 2009 and have even got a pre-release build out. Try it out and you can win a free pass to Tech Ed.

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Is your marketing "Hot or Not"?

Today’s guest post is by Simon Galbraith. Simon is co-founder and joint CEO of Red Gate Software.

My company, Red Gate Software, has a photo board. When new people start work, someone from HR takes a photo using a digital camera. That photo is eventually replaced by one taken by a professional photographer. The photo board at any one time has mostly professionally taken photos with the recent amateur photos dotted amongst them. To my mind the difference is palpable – people look a LOT more attractive in the professionally taken photos.

This is important for marketing. Photos and images of people are used extensively in marketing and are especially significant in things like blogs, twitter and facebook. The fact that Seth Godin has chosen an iconic, professionally taken, image of himself to accompany his blog isn’t a coincidence.

As I was espousing my professional-photo-attractiveness-is-important-for-marketing theory to a couple of friends who were at my house for New Year, I realised that rather than just spouting off we should do an experiment.

First, some background: like most teenagers, when I was 16 years old I was self-conscious about my appearance. I was convinced that I was the least attractive boy in my class: gangly, crooked-nosed and spotty. One day in math class Mr Ranson conducted an exercise in a statistic module. He lined up all the boys in the class and asked the girls to rank our attractiveness. After standing awkwardly at the front, my worst fears were realised: I was indeed the most unattractive boy in the class. The case for the prosecution was overwhelming, with 12 out of 14 girls supporting the last-place ranking. Mr Ransom then burbled on about different methods of collating ranking but, unusually for me, I wasn’t taking it in. I was absorbing a more painful lesson about the shape of the probability density function of my getting a date within the next millennium.

You can imagine how this might have left me unwilling to subject myself to another public vote on my attractiveness. But the occasion, my theory and the wine led me to shed a few inhibitions and have a go with myself as the guinea pig.

So I’ve created two new characters for the dating website HotorNot, which asks visitors to rate the attractiveness of people on a scale of 1 to 10:

First, meet Jeremy Pemberton, a 36-year-old man based in Cambridge, England:

Jeremy Pemberton

This is a cropping of a photograph taken by professional photographer Chris Bouchier.

Secondly, meet Aden Pemberton, a 36-year-old man based in Cambridge, England.

Aden Pemberton

This photograph was taken by my wife using a cheap point-and-shoot digital camera after we’d drunk a couple of glasses of home-made mulled wine.

Both photos are of the same person taken in the same house within 4 weeks of each other. After looking at the photos we came up with the following guesses at how they would be rated on average by the visitors to HotorNot:

  Amateur photo Professional photo
Dave 6.8 8.5
Pete 6 9
Pam* 3 5
Simon 5 7

*This is my wife of 10 years; she feels she can be brutally frank with me without hurting my feelings**

**Which just goes to show that deep knowledge of someone only goes so far.

By the way, both Pam and Pete work in marketing; multinationals like Philip Morris and Proctor and Gamble pay their organisations a king’s ransom for their insights.

I’m going tell you what happened and what my conclusions are in a second blog post. But for now, it would be fun if you could comment with your prediction of the scores. Don’t worry, my feelings can’t possibly be hurt anymore…I think.

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What makes a great sysadmin?

If you're not a sysadmin then the odds are you deal with one. But makes a good sysadmin, and why are there so few great ones?

For me, an end user, what distinguishes a great sysadmin from a merely
competent one is attitude. Technical skills are easy, problem solving
ability is harder, but it's great attitude that's truly rare.

Read more on the sysadmin social network…

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Taking the road less travelled by

Back at the beginning of 2003, Red Gate was doing well: our products were selling, we were profitable, and life was good. Our SQL Comparison tools – version 2 – were popular and, I thought, fully baked. There was very little more we could do with them. Sure, they were a bit slow, there were a few bugs, and we had some competitors snapping at our heels, but there was nothing dramatic that we could add to the products.

We needed a new product. Something that would take us to the next level.

So we had a brainstorming session. Simon and I got everybody together – there were around 20 of us at the time – in a room and we spent an hour writing ideas on post-it notes and sticking them to walls. All good, non-judgemental, brainstorming stuff. At the end of the hour we gathered up the notes, categorised them and got judgemental. Should we do a lint tool for SQL Server, or a test management tool, or something for Oracle or DB2? These were all possibilities, but none of them really inspired us. So we took the easy option and decided to rewrite our existing tools. We threw away all the VB6 code base and started from scratch in C#.

On paper, this was a really stupid thing to do. A classic, unforced error that's killed, or scarred, companies such as Borland, Netscape, Wordstar and Ashton-Tate. Microsoft even took a stab at bizarre self-harm with their initial attempt to write Longhorn (now Vista) from the ground up in .net.

It was one of the best decisions we've ever made.

With the version 2 tools we'd coded ourselves into a dead-end. To get dramatic results sometimes you need to take dramatic action. To get out of that dead end – to radically improve the products, our customers' lives and, ultimately, Red Gate's sales – we needed to do something beyond the incremental. And that dramatic action was to throw away several man-years of work and start afresh.

But that's hindsight speaking. In reality, we rewrote the tools because we lacked the imagination to do anything grander. It was a lucky mistake. If we'd been more adventurous or had had more vision – if we'd tried to break into new markets or create new tools – then Red Gate would probably have been doomed.

Here are a few things I learnt from this.

Firstly, it illustrates how companies abandon profitable markets too quickly. This is, according to some people, one of the classic reasons that companies stall.

Secondly, sometimes it's right to throw away a successful product and start again. Apple did this with Mac OS X, and Microsoft with Windows NT. It's hard, and you're going to irritate some of your customers, and there's a good chance you'll fail, but it can – occasionally – be the right thing to do. If you're down a blind alley, or if the platform you're targetting is changing, or if inaction (which is, don't forget, a decision as much as action is, just easier) is clearly going to lead to failure, then it's an option you should at least consider.

Thirdly, the important decisions aren't always the ones that seem important at the time. Looking back on this decision, it was one of the most important ones that we ever made. But it didn't seem that way back in 2003. There was no sense of urgency, no feeling that this was a decision that could make or break the company. But it was. Not in the dramatic sense of a cause with an immediate effect, but it set us down a path that branched slightly off the alternative and, over time, that route diverged to take us in the happier direction.

It's the third point that interests me right now. So, this week's question of the week is "In building your business, was it obvious when a decision you were making was crucial, or were the forks in the road only obvious in hindsight?" $20 of amazon vouchers will go to the best answer. Post on the Business of Software social network.

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BoS digest: there are no absolutes. Ever.

Malcolm Gladwell is getting a bit of a kicking right now. It’s all my fault. Well, your fault too. All of us, in fact. We all love it when somebody takes the bitter complexity of the world, breaks it down, simplifies it, wraps it up in a tasty story and places it in front of us with a warm glass of milk for easy digestion. And then we love complaining when we consume too many stories and feel sick.

But I don’t think the problem is one of technique, or presentation. Instead, Gladwell – and many of the authors of well known business books – are fossicking for universal laws where there is really only grit. The truths they are looking for do not exist, or are too simple to be useful.

In the set of all successful companies, some have no assholes but some do. Some rely on shiny new strategies, and some just do the basics better than the competition. Some have humble, thoughtful leaders, while others, well, don’t.

It’s entirely possible for IBM to share some success factors with Microsoft, and Microsoft with Google, and Google with Apple, but for IBM to have nothing in common with Apple. There might be a family resemblance in the histories and behaviours of these companies that allows you to lump them together in the same category of ‘successful’, but not a common theme, much in the same way that the members of a family – sons, daughters, husband, wife, uncle and aunt – can visibly belong in the same group without sharing any single physical trait.

To give rules, you need to be narrow. Examine all companies in a particular sector, at a particular time, and facing particular threats, then you might, if you look closely enough, find a law. But the broader the domain you’re trying to create a rule for, the more banal your law becomes (sometimes people’s instincts are right, but sometimes they’re wrong, and it’s damn hard to tell when), and the more likely it is to be demonstrably wrong (we all need to be more like Enron).

My hunch is that business laws cannot be universal, correct and useful. I can’t prove it though.

The big news this week in the business of software is that the Business of Software 2009 web site is now live, and we’re taking bookings. Plus you can download a free eBook.

On the BoS social network, Greg Atkins asks how he can become a product manager, Matt Richards asks how to deal with domain name squatters, and Steve Schoon would like to know what percentage of sales revenue to budget to technical support. Answer these questions, and others, on the forum.

On Wednesday, Paul Kenny is hosting an online chat about software sales. Sales is a fence most ISVs stumble at, and Paul is an expert, so this chat is worth signing up to.

If you can get to London for February 17th and want to see Seth Godin then there’s a spare ticket up for a charity auction.

Hope to see you in San Francisco!

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Seth Godin and the gorillas

The good news: Seth Godin – marketing guru, tribal leader and possibly the best speaker I’ve ever heard – is coming to London.

The bad news: all the tickets are sold out

The good news: I have a spare ticket

The best news: Mark of Evil Genius Media, the organizers, has given me permission to auction it off for charity. Thanks Mark!

So, if you can make it to London for the 17th February, want to spend 3 hours in Seth’s company, and want to put in an offer, then send me a bid on Twitter (I’m @neildavidson) and tag it with #sethinlondon

Here are the rules:

  • Bids close at 12 noon on Friday 13th February
  • All bids must be to me via twitter, and tagged with #sethinlondon
  • All proceeds will go Great Gorillas, a charity working to save the world’s remaining gorillas from extinction
  • Open to all, apart from Red Gate employees
  • Your name will go on the ticket. You won’t be able to sell it on / give it to anybody else

Bid away!

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Business of Software 2009 – registration open

I was going to write a long blog post about how wonderful Business of Software 2009 is going to be, but then I realised that no matter what I wrote it wouldn't be as compelling as this video that Lerone did of BoS 2008. It's a couple of minutes long, and I think you'll enjoy it.

The past isn't always the most reliable guide to the future, but it's often damn good. If you want to find out more about this year's conference then go to

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Simplicity vs Value in Software Development | Joel Spolsky | BoS USA 2009

Simplicity vs Value in Software Development

In this talk from Business of Software 2009, Joel flies in the face of what is often accepted as current wisdom and says that building new features does add value to your product. Simplicity is often a way to avoid your customers knowing you are releasing a product without enough features. Features are good if you can add them without making a product too complex. This can create real value for customers and revenue for your business.

You can watch the video or read the full transcript below.

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BoS digest – when good assumptions go bad

Last year, the Zimbabwean division of Barclays bank made one hundred quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars profit. With inflation at 231 million percent and rising, the numbers will soon breach the magic threshold of Z$ 922,337,203,685,477.5807. Why magic? The true geeks among you will instantly recognise 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 as 2^63 – 1, or the maximum value that the 8 byte SQL Server money data type can store.

Software is at its best when it's specific, and it's assumptions that provide the constraints that make it so. We've all seen software that makes bad assumptions – the web site that assumes you have a US phone number; the application that only installs to the C: drive and the banking site that assumes nobody is ever called O'Neill or Geneviève or wants a password with – heaven forbid – punctu@ti0n.

These are just plain bad assumptions.

But what about when good assumptions turn bad? In hindsight, they might seem dumb, but they were sensible at the time. Assumptions that $922 quadrillion was the most currency anybody would ever need, or that programs written in the 1970s would be obsolete by the year 2000, or that 64kb would be plenty, or that screen sizes would never be the size of buildings with resolution better than paper? Is there any way to mitigate against the very good assumptions you are making today turning evil tomorrow?

Like the punchline to the how many philosophers does it take to change a light-bulb joke, I have no answers, only questions. But I'd like to hear what you think.

So this week's QOTW is "Have you seen good assumptions go bad? And what can you do about it?". As always, $20 of Amazon vouchers will go to the best answer.

Last week's QOTW was "Have you ever been to a remarkable networking session at a conference?" Thank you Ken Hughes, Matt Lacey, Ed Loessi, David Locke, Steve Jones, Mark Dalgarno, Bob Cramblitt, Erietta Sapounakis and Sean Murphy for your excellent answers, and Cliff McCollum wins the $20 for his World Café idea. Send me an e-mail Cliff and I'll send you the $20 vouchers.

On the social network, Mark Dalgarno asks when should you retire a software product? and Phil Factor has some excellent, seasoned, and characteristically weird advice about how to survive the recession in his clinging to the flotsam blog post. Make sure you check out the other forum posts too.

If you're in Cambridge then make sure you come to Software East next week.

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BoS digest: an idea for large-scale, real-life networking

How do you take a group of 400 and introduce each person to a handful of relevant people? And get them to know each other, to discuss a mutual topic of interest, and form a bond that will last more than the hour they spend in each other's company?

That's the problem I'm facing with Business of Software 2009. I've tried a couple of things in previous years. In 2007, we had a handful of break out sessions. That didn't really work: there were too few sessions so each session had too many people and by the time introductions were done we'd run out of time. In 2008, we had table sessions. People signed up in advance to one of a series of topics and then sat at pre-allocated tables of 10, each with a moderator. This worked for some people, but failed for others, depending on the topic, the people at the table and the skill of the moderator.

Inspired in part by Open Space Technology, I'm contemplating moving away from a structured session in favour of a marketplace metaphor. Maybe I'd let people loose over the venue and tell them to self organise for an hour. I'd encourage them to set up topics in advance through the Business of Social network site, use Twitter to communicate locations and organise impromptu groups, and provide helium balloons,  large pieces of card and marker pens for anybody passionate enough about a topic to broadcast their interest. It could be an interesting experiment.

All of which leads me on to this week's question of the week: have you ever been to a remarkable networking session at a conference? The best answer will get $20 of Amazon vouchers. Post here.

Networking in smaller groups is much easier: food and alcohol normally do the trick. Over several centuries, the ancient Greeks perfected it to an art form. They gathered in private symposia, one or two to a couch, and the symposiarch watered down the wine to an appropriate level (usually three parts water to one part wine) and made sure that everybody got the correct level of alcohol calibrated to his (and it was always his) personal level of tolerance and reaction to alcohol. They then discussed poetry and philosophy, with the symposiarch guiding and regulating the talk. I can't promise anything like that, and there's certainly no requirement to drink, at next week's London BoS dinner. But it should be a good chance to talk about the business of software with like-minded people. It's open to all, and you can sign up at

The two previous QOTWs (What are your predictions for 2009?  and Who would you like to hear speak at Business of Software 2009?) have been won by Dave Collins and John Hsu.

Paul Graham has tentatively agreed to speak at BoS 2009. He joins the current line-up of Joel Spolsky, Don Norman and Geoffrey Moore. If you want to keep up to date as I announce new speakers then follow me on twitter.

On the forums, Sam Ng asks how do you price SaaS, Scott Cote would like to know how product managers fit into the sales process and Mark Dalgarno asks about rental models vs perpetual licences for software. Answer these questions, and more, on the forums.

How important is integrity in business? Read Phil Factor's opinion in his A chilling prophesy blog post, and I have a guest post on interruption marketing (is it really dead?) on Avangate's blog.

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Interruption Marketing: Rumors of its Death have been Greatly Exaggerated

I've got a guest post on the Avangate blog where I talk about Napoleon, hemorrhoid treatment, toilet paper and why interruption marketing isn't dead:

"As Seth Godin says, you should create purple cows:
products that are remarkable. Products that people want to talk about.
But no matter how hard you try, your cow doesn’t always end up purple.
Sometimes you’re stuck with a product that is merely good, or a product
that people simply don’t want to talk about. Like hemorrhoid treatment.
What do you do then?"

You can read the full blog post here:

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Times are changing

This is a guest post by Bob Walsh of

Neil's latest post, BoS digest: why you can't just trim the fat,
I thought was a good one, but it neglected the 14th principle of the
Toyota Way: Become a learning organization through relentless
reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen).

Put another way, that means stop ignoring and resisting the ways the
world has changed. I've noticed that established ISVs have extreme
difficulty in understanding some of the fundamental changes that have
happened in the last several years, especially when it comes to social

Today, because so many of your customers connect with each other
online, your market is a conversation you do not control. Furthermore,
much of that conversation is happening on networks you don't
understand. But because of internal politics, inertia, and that few
C*O's are technology early adopters, this shift is someone else's
problem and the can gets kicked down the road to the next meeting.

If at this juncture you don't understand that interrupt advertising is
broken, that the old ways of doing business are broken, you have a
serious problem. Yes, there's plenty of hype in the social media world
– but dismissing social media as something unimportant at this point
misses the point.

Here's a little test:

  1. Do know what is and actively participate there?
  2. Do you have a Chief Community Officer?
  3. Do you and your other execs talk with customers via your robust company blog?
  4. Do you and your other execs understand and use Twitter, Facebook and other social media?

If you don't at least get 2 out of 4 of the above, how do you expect to survive the next 24 months?

No one expects or wants your company to become a social media
powerhouse that transparently converses with your customers overnight.
But the time for sitting on the fence regarding social media is up. And
since social media is an intensely disruptive force to traditionally
organized hierarchical entities (read – your company), this is not a
matter to be taken lightly.

Time is not your friend right now.

Bob Walsh is by turns a consultant,
blogger, developer, microISV, startup, author and podcaster. Too much
free time on his hands is not a problem he has.

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Hiring people

I've got a guest post over on Bob Walsh's and although it's aimed at Micro ISVs ready to hire their first person I think points 2 – 7 are relevant to business of all sizes. Here's point number 5:

If you’ve never hired for this role before, bring in an expert to
help you. Hiring a sales person? Find somebody who’s hired a hundred
sales people already. Don’t know an expert? Find somebody who does.
Never, ever hire for a role you do not understand without outside help.

You can read my other 8 tips here.

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