New speaker at Business of Software 2011

Much excitement at Business of Software Towers with the news that Alexis Ohanian, (@knothing), co-founder of Reddit, investor, founder and all round activist in Hipmunk, (the only flight search engine that I can actually understand and a thing of such beauty that even my wife thinks it is cool).

Alexis gave a killer Lightning Talk at few years ago at Business of Software. We are delighted that he will be closing Business of Software and will be talking about how software makes the world suck less.

Reddit just got a great mention from Chris Anderson at TED this morning where there is a very active discussion about the best TED talks and TED speakers. I am really, really pleased to see that both Alexis Ohanian AND Rory Sutherland, who are both speaking at Business of Software this year, are mentioned in the list of top 12 speakers of all time. Awesome work! 

If you are planning on coming, register quick! Hotel space is running out and we have 40 delegate places left. If running out of space isn't bad enough, the price of a ticket rises on 21st September by another $100 so get going if you are going!