Jim Morris: Designing and Running Customer Interviews that Work

Customer interviews are a critical part of the process of building great products that customers want to buy but they are rarely done well.

In this workshop session, Jim will show why customer interviews should be an integral part of your product development process and what you can learn from them. Jim will demonstrate how to structure and run interviews that improve your product process before you conduct your own trial interviews in groups. You will learn why customer interviews should be a core and ongoing part of product management and how you can use the techniques and tools the best product teams use to build the products your customers will pay for.

Jim Morris

Founder, Product Discovery Group

Jim is based in San Francisco and learned how to build and scale successful products as an engineer, product manager and leader at startups where he’s turned ideas into successful products many times. Starting before the first dotcom boom, he designed and product managed one of the first ecommerce systems at Fogdog.com before a $450 million IPO. He also co-founded PowerReviews which grew 1,200+ clients and a $168 million exit.

Jim graduated from Stanford University with a BS in Computer Science and is now coaches Product Management leaders and teams in startups, tech & Fortune 100 companies including Kaiser Permanente, PagerDuty, VSP Global, Dictionary.com and Hallmark. You can find him at ProductDiscoveryGroup

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