Jason Cohen is a Smart Bear

Jason Cohen aka aSmartBear has been founding and building both bootstrapped and VC-funded businesses for 25 years. He’s had successful exits and built two unicorns and is currently Chief Innovation Officer at WPEngine. He also writes and talks about his experiences and the lessons that he’s learned along the way.

Jason however, is not someone who would claim to have a magic plan, a guaranteed playbook for SaaS success. Very much in the spirit of BoS, he understands that every entrepreneur exists in their own world and context, so his writing and talks tend to help you ask the right questions for you, rather than peddling a magic formula.

Jason is back at Business of Software Conference USA, Raleigh NC, 2-4 October.

He’ll be there for the whole time, so you can hang out. He will be sharing a brand new talk on building your permanent defensible strategy.

Want to understand why we are so excited? See for yourself.

Three of Jason’s BoS Talks to help you:

  • Understand what advice is right for you.
  • Why honest and transparent businesses are better businesses.
  • How to reconcile being an entrepreneur with that nagging feeling that you don’t know what you are doing.

On Advice

Jason shares his thoughts on how you can filter the endless advice that you are given as an entrepreneur by understanding the biases of the advice giver and the disastrous results that following conventional wisdom and hiring a serious enterprise sales person at SmartBear.

Video, transcript, slides and notes here.

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On Honesty and Transparency in Business

We all want to look our best but the temptation to exaggerate, spin, deflect and mislead is often present. (Who doesn’t want to look like they are a global mega corp on your website even when you’re a single founder working out of your bedroom). Jason explains why he thinks that honesty is more profitable than deceit and why doing the right thing is just good business.

Video, transcript, slides and notes here.

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On Being an Entrepreneur and Imposter Syndrome

Jason discusses founder health. Maybe you struggle making the big, emotional decisions that come with running a business? Are you good enough to do what you do? Jason has words of comfort and challenge for you.

Video, transcript, slides, hangouts and Q&A here.

You can see more talks, writing, hangouts, Q&As with Jason Cohen here.

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