Foote, Boyle, Spiek & Singer

Sounds like a witch’s brew but is in fact our first selection of Europe speakers for 2023!

Check out our upcoming events

31 March – 1 April 2025 BoS Europe (Cambridge, UK) πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
6-8 October 2025 BoS USA (Raleigh, NC) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
October 2024 The Road to Exit: A BoS Mastermind Group 🌐

Sally Foote,
Managing Director, carwow

Sally will share her experience and expertise working with some high-profile digital businesses operating at scale to manage profitable growth and innovation in their organisations. She will explain: how she uses data-driven decision-making frameworks to identify profitable opportunities that can have a potentially transformational impact; why listening to your customers isn’t always a good idea; and how to know when you should.

Kevin Boyle,
CEO & co-Founder, Gearset

Kevin will share some lessons learned in launching and building Gearset, a fast growing and self-funded SaaS company serving Salesforce developers.

Gearset was founded by an amazing team of product folks, with a heavy bias towards software engineers. Scaling from those engineering roots to a well-balanced company of sales, marketing, customer success and product development has been an amazing journey. It has required continuous personal growth and repeatedly embracing discomfort to keep up with what the business requires. In this talk, Kevin will discuss how his role has evolved over time as well as how he has addressed some of the challenges he’s faced leading a fast-growing self-funded SaaS company which recently took its first investment, a $55 million growth round from Silversmith Capital Partners.

Chris Spiek
& Ryan Singer

Chris and Ryan have spent decades working to improve how product teams build products that deliver value to customers by focusing on both the demand and supply side. They will discuss a way of organizing product and engineering teams by shaping projects to increase the success rate and satisfaction level of the team deliver better products. Chris will explain how they applied the ShapeUp concept at Autobooks, the successes and failures they experienced, and how they developed the ShapeUp method to meet the needs of product driven software companies today.

Check out our upcoming events

31 March – 1 April 2025 BoS Europe (Cambridge, UK) πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
6-8 October 2025 BoS USA (Raleigh, NC) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
October 2024 The Road to Exit: A BoS Mastermind Group 🌐

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