Mark Gibson

Mark Gibson Better B2B Sales
Mark Gibson

Mark is an experienced sales leader and sales performance consultant, with more than 40 years’ experience in sales, marketing and sales enablement in Australia, Silicon Valley and the UK.

He’s worked for Prime Computer, Sun Microsystems, Informix, & MicroStrategy where he closed a $27.M OEM deal that drove the stock price to an all-time high. For the past ten years he’s worked with Zeus, Craneware, Centrify, Cloudview, Enqii and Aveva in the UK, Magic Software and Superderivatives in Israel, Vico Software, Amberoon, Trustwrx, Assemble Systems and Fortinet in the US.

Married and living in London he enjoys wine-tasting, golf and travel and is passionate about helping salespeople engage in personal development and lifelong learning.

Talks by Mark Gibson

Better B2B Sales2023

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