Kathy Sierra is one of the heroes of Business of Software Conference. She’s an extraordinary thinker and speaker. Thoughtful, kind, generous and one of the smartest people on the planet. I think of her often, particularly when I’m talking with speakers who want to give the best talk they possibly can. She is not a natural extrovert and found speaking in public incredibly hard, yet she is always brilliant.
I wanted to send one of this year’s speakers a link to her blog post, Presentation Skills Considered Harmful recently and sadly, her blog is no longer live. (This links to the post recovered from the WayBackMachine). If you speak in public, it is worth your time.
Kathy is a genius and we have been incredibly lucky over the years to have welcomed her to the BoS community where she has shared her incredible insights. You can watch all her talks, Web 2.00 business models, Building the minimum Badass user, Building the minimum bad ass user. Part II. Unfinished business…, Motivation matters and lots more here.
Kathy was inspired to return to public speaking by the BoS community – and to write her book, Badass, Making Users Awesome. One of my proudest professional moments was to be mentioned in the acknowledgements, alongside the inspiring participants at… Business of Software Conference.

I’m enormously proud that Business of Software Conference and the incredible people who come and take part have offered such a safe, welcoming and friendly place for folk who care about building great software and great software companies for over 15 years.

Thank you Kathy and thank you all.
Kathy Sierra BoS Talks and Blog Posts
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