What can we say about Business of Software’s 2022 Europe In-Person conference?
Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s a recap of Business of Software Conference Europe 2022 in photos:

After two years of Zooming, Mark felt a little more comfortable broadcasting from the safety of a small window.

Roan Lavery discussed motivation in his session followed by a great series of Q&A

Brennan Dunn opened some minds and gave useful, actionable advice on segmentation and customised automation.

Rosemary Francis discussed her success and touched upon how hard it is being a woman in a man’s world.

Startup Core Strength’s Nopadon Wongpakdee brought JTBD to the forefront of marketing with some easy changes we can make to our copy to better communicate what we do.

Teams competed to win the coveted gold ribbon as they completed a series of challenges – including sharing a hidden talent. Points were deducted for faking talents!

Mind blower Joe Leech took us down the dark and scary rabbit hole of managing our internal and external board of directors.

Day two started with a change to schedule and Nopadon stood in to do some live critiques and walk throughs of some websites of those in the audience.

Saielle DaSilva discussed workplace culture in her session.

Bruce McCarthy looked at how to gauge your team’s abilities and cultures.

Mark joined Tessa Clarke on stage for a fireside chat about Olio’s growth and mission.

Genee Labs’ Nic Lawrence shared his emotional 18 year journey from startup to exit.

And Anna Granta closed the conference with their eye opening and interesting talk on Neurodiversity and what you can do to help your neurodiverse teammates.
You can also check out Kirk’s and Jed’s accounts of conference and read up on what was in Joe Leeches’s bumbag.
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