4-5 April, Cambridge UK
With just three weeks to go till we see you in-person again, we have a handful of speakers to help whet your appetite. Next week we will be revealing our full schedule and speaker list with more info on all the talks you can look forward to.
We know that when you hear a founder story, you like to then pick their brains and ask questions to help steer you and your teams towards success (or away from failure). We also know you like to walk away with actionable tools that you can put in practise. Lucky for you, we have both of these and so much more…

Nopadon Wongpakdee, Partner, StartupCore Strengths
Europe 4-5 April, Cambridge, UK
Applying JTBD to Marketing
Nopadon will share, how you can uncover hidden customer insights that will mean you can craft stronger ad copy, landing pages, find new channels, and even help pricing and retention.

Kevin Boyle, CEO & co-Founder, Gearset
Europe 4-5 April, Cambridge, UK
Lessons Learned in Building Gearset
Kevin will share some lessons learned in launching and growing Gearset, a fast growing and self-funded SaaS serving Salesforce developers.

BoS Conf Europe 4-5 April 2022
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Contact marketing@businessofsoftware.org for help.
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