Cambridge, UK 4-5 April

It’s been a while since we have run in person conferences. Did you miss them? We think we can run them safely again, albeit with some differences.
We may have made some changes but we think it’s time to experience some real world meetings again.
BoS Conf Europe returns to Churchill College, Cambridge, UK and will run 4-5 April 2022 with an informal welcome reception on the Sunday evening before the conference begins.
Here’s a few things you might want to know before we announce the speakers.
Covid precautions – we’ve written a lot more about this here but in short:
- The conference venue has implemented a range of safety measures including hand-washing stations, food preparation and service etc.
- Outside and undercover networking space will be available.
- The venue will not operate at full capacity.
- We will require all attendees to have up to have valid vaccination protection against Covid-19.
- Masks will be required throughout the venue – but there will be dedicated sections of the auditorium for you to remove your mask.
- Attendees will be required to have taken a lateral flow test (or PCR), in the 48 hours prior to the event starting.
Smaller and safer.
The venue for BoS Conference Europe has a capacity of over 300 people but we’re going to be very careful to ensure people have space. We will also be asking our attendees for their social distancing preference. We recognise some people are quite comfortable being in relatively close proximity but others want to keep their distance. We respect both approaches. As you sign up, you’ll be asked what your social distancing preferences are and we will take that into account when we work on the capacity of venue.

Will it be streamed?
BoS Conference Europe 2022 will not be live streamed.
The sessions will be recorded and published on the website after the event. We believe in the value of online conferences, but we do not think it is currently possible to deliver a high quality hybrid event. Anyone who cannot attend the in-person conference will be able to participate in our series of online conferences over the course of the year.

How Can You Sign Up?
You can save your place right now. We’re making the first 25 tickets available at the significantly reduced price of $695 with the additional option of paying in GBP.
See the full 2022 Business of Software Conference Schedule, Online and In-person.
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