Sketchnotes from Business of Software Conference USA 2017

Sketchnotes from Business of Software Conference USA 2017

Lianna Patch at Punchline Copy not only did a Lightning Talk at Business of Software Conference USA last week, she took some pretty cool sketchnotes of the talks when she wasn’t preparing to give her own.

We will add these sketchnotes to the collaborative notes and publish a summary of all the notes we are aware of. Please drop us a note if you have notes/pictures that you would like to include in our write up. Thanks for these Lianna.

The rubber chicken brightened our day.

Jason Cohen. Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

  • Managing company metrics are important. Managing your mind trumps everything.

Jason Cohen BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Seth Godin. Lessons Learned in 33 Years in the Software Industry

  • When new marketing meets software, there are new winners and losers… You have a choice to be either.#

Seth Godin BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Natalie Nagele. Keeping the Fun in Your Business Life

  • Making money, profits, great products and a great work culture are not mutually exclusive goals if the company exists for the people that build it.

Natalie Nagele BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Sherry Walling. How to Stay at the Top of your Game Without Burning Out or Becoming Boring

  • Ever wondered how you and your team could get more done…?

Sherry Walling BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Scott Berkun. The Dance of the Possible.

  • An irreverent and mostly honest way to improve how you work with ideas.

Scott Berkun BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Bridget Harris. Hiring the Best Talent.

  • Some simple steps, some difficult steps, to ensure you hire the best possible talent in your organization.

Bridget Harris BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

David Barrett, Product Driven Growth.

  • Why your focus on product is far more important than sales and marketing driven growth.

David Barrett BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Mike McDerment. How Freshbook’s Fear of Competition Saved the Company

  • Every software companies worries about its codebase, usually until it’s too late. Mike took a very risky and unusual approach to solving the problem.

Mike McDerment BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Joanna Wiebe. Old School Copywriting for New Businesses.

  • Anyone that has seen Mad Men knows, killer copy is the art of persuasion. Don’t worry if you’re not in marketing, the same skills apply to anyone that needs to get their points across effectively.

Joanna Wiebe BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

Josh Seiden. Sense and Respond: Principles for the Next Century Of Work

  • Rethinking management practices to be fit for the 21st Century.

Josh Seiden BoS2017 Punchline Copy Sketchnotes

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Chicken Cut Punchline Copy

One response to “Sketchnotes from Business of Software Conference USA 2017”

  1. […] Lianna Patch Sketchnotes Fantastic Sketch notes of almost all the talks. 10 minute read […]