Join Bridget Harris, (YouCanBookMe) and Peldi (Balsamiq) to discuss remote working and more…
Join us FREE – Wednesday 25th January, 17.00 GMT.
Bridget’s, has grown since 2011 from tens of customers, to now booking in over 750,000 appointments monthly. Watch Bridget speak at this year’s Business of Software Europe on investors, remote working, inclusivity, hiring and more here with notes and transcript.
Peldi runs Balsamiq, home of easy mockups, with a team of great people spread around the globe. Here he is talking about growing up, reluctantly, at last year’s BoS USA. Both Bridget and Peldi are longtime friends of BoS and both have a passion for building businesses that dare to be different.
Wednesday 25 th January, 1700 GMT
Join Bridget Harris, YouCanBookMe and Peldi, Balsamiq to talk about some of the topics raised in her talk, particularly Remote Working. Register and watch below.
Register for Remote Working Hangout
To whet your appetite, watch Bridget’s talk on the subject at Business of Software Europe last year.
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