The long, slow, saas ramp of death

2012: Gail Goodman – CEO, Constant Contact

Gail Goodman’s talk at BoS2012 regarding starting and growing Constant Contact was the highlight of the conference for me. I am at that point in my business trajectory where scaling accounts sold to SMBs is my primary concern going forward, and I have discovered — like everybody does, apparently — that this is very tricky.

In addition to the tactical advice which I intend to direct adopt for the business, I also appreciated how inspiring the story was, because it’s nice to hear that even bazillion-dollar megasuccesses like Constant Contact had, in the not-too-distant past, challenges which look pretty much exactly like what I deal with day-to-day. (In addition to the quality of the presentations, the opportunity to informally meet other entrepreneurs like Gail is the reason I make it a point to go to Business of Software every year. It’s simply the best venue anywhere for meeting other folks with real expertise about running software businesses for the long haul.)