Solving your Product Problems – A BoS Hangout – Attendee Info

Solving your Product Problems BoS Hangout Bruce McCarthy 11 march 2021 1024x326

Thank you for being part of the Business of Software Solving your Product Problems Hangout. Some great questions, some great discussions. Below you’ll find some resources discussed in the hangout PLUS the recording of the hangout for you to download from Dropbox.

Wade Foster, Zapier. Building Operating Cadence With Remote Teams

Amir Salihefendic, Doist – Lessons learned building a remote company

Teresa Torres – Managing outcomes over outputs and the thing about OKRs

Bruce’s previous talks at Business of Software Conference…

Bruce McCarthy: Product Culture Eats Execution Culture

Bruce McCarthy. Say no with confidence. How to tell the great ideas from the merely good

Solving YourProduct Problems – Hangout Recording

Download Session recording

Follow Bruce on twitter @d8a_driven
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