Transitions in businesses are most commonly associated with a round of funding, a pivot, hiring senior management or an exit. They usually represent step changes in an entrepreneur’s life and business.
Here’s the thing. They can be scary. The strengths and skills that got you to this point can be the same things that hold you back from thriving during and after the transition.
In this breakout, Joe will help you understand why transitions can seem so difficult for founders and CEOs.
He’ll share some ways of approaching a transition point in your business that can help you take control of the unknown and answer some of the questions you might have in a group discussion.
You want to feel in positive control of transition rather than the transition controlling you.
About Joe Leech (Mr Joe)
Joe coaches founders and leaders at large organisations, high growth scale-ups and startups to help them do the right things in the right order for the right reasons.
He hosts the podcast Making Better Decisions where he interviews leaders from Instagram, YouTube, WordPress and Monzo to understand how they make the choices they do and how you can too.
He is a recovering neuroscientist and had a spell as an elementary school teacher, Joe started his tech career 16 years ago. He has worked with big organisations like MoMA, Trainline, Disney, eBay and Marriott as well as helping to supercharge high growth businesses and startups. Every year $7 Billion goes through products he advises on.
Breakout Participant Bonus
Some participants in this session will find some general pointers will be enough to set them going. Others may find they have more specific questions or issues they would like to discuss privately and in more detail.
Joe has – incredibly kindly – offered three participants in the breakout, individual, 90 minute, one-to-one coaching session after the event as a contribution to the BoS community. Details on the day in the session.