Using JTBD in your Copy with Claire Suellentrop — Fall 2021 Breakout Session

Claire Suellentrop
Claire Suellentrop

Join Claire Suellentrop in this breakout session which follows on from her BoS talk to dig deeper into the process of copywriting using JTBD and work out your next steps to producing copy that resonates with customers and converts prospects.

Whether for your website, product sheets, or newsletter, stop producing copy that no one cares about.

Claire will share examples of ways you can change how you present your product that will make you think and dig into some of the questions you have about how to produce copy that converts. 

You will learn

  • To present your product in a way to make people think
  • How to write copy that converts potential customers into active users

About Claire Suellentrop

Claire helps B2B and B2C SaaS companies like Wistia, FullStory, Edgar, and Death to the Stock Photo get out of the echo chamber and into the heads of their best customers. Her methods have generated record-breaking email open rates, click-through rates, and new user signups. She loves helping teams develop greater empathy for their customers, and find marketing messages that create stronger connections (aka: higher conversions).

She spoke at BoS 2018 on Product Messaging with JTBD, a talk that was both full of actionable ideas – and memorable for being supported by a tech team of the creator of JTBD, Bob Moesta, and Keanu Reeves!