Spring 21 Attendee Info

Hey, and just like that two days of talks, discussions, and exercises are over. The fun, learning, and networking continues forever as we will be updating this page with lots of great stuff for you to enjoy. Watch this space!

Recordings & Transcripts

We’ve pulled together some unedited footage and the Otter automated transcripts from the conference to share with you lovely attendees.

We’re also breaking up the transcription into each session and providing them on open and editable Google Docs for you to share your notes and add any comments you think others might find useful.



  • Tim Burgess (Remote Hiring): Video
  • Asia Orangio (Marketing): Video
  • PJ Marquez (Ecosystems): Video


We cannot thank our wonderful supporters enough for their contributions which help keep BoS running smoothly and also fund our Scholarship places.

IQ Capital
Software Promotions
Kirk seemed to be having a great time when you were all in breakout sessions πŸ•ΊπŸ»

Don't forget to check out BoS Conf Online.Fall coming 27-19 September 2021