There’s something about in-person events that are just different. Although I can rattle off a list of awesome things that happened ‘over the pond’, some of the most exciting moments for me certainly lay with seeing people connect with other like-minded people over coffee, dinner, and – most importantly – happy hour.
The magic may have happened in these moments but what really lifted the event were the world class speakers who nailed their sessions throughout the week.
Besides meeting thoughtful, interesting people, the conference brought the BoS team a hidden opportunity to bond other than over zoom. We had plenty of moments to explore Boston, hang out with one another but also do what we love to do; helping all of you in some meaningful way.
You never forget your first 😋 and BoS Conf USA 2022 felt like a fun, engaging & interesting way to join an incredibly valuable community and with a side of baseball (spoiler alert: the Red Sox won) it was awesome.
Naturally I will be thanking our supporters who made returning to Boston possible and with style. The Duck boat tour was a nice touch from Quiet Light and I’m excited to see what we can do together next time.
To wrap this up nicely, I want to thank you all for joining us. Again, we wouldn’t be able to continue moving forward without such a supportive community of people. We’ll see you next time for another awesome adventure.

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