Liberating Structures

3 person 3 client session – 26 minutes.

Three People in a Room, each takes it in turns to play the role of ‘client’, while the other two play the role of consultants.

Someone must be in charge of timing the session.

  • Each person introduces themselves briefly. 2 minutes total time.
  • One person spends 1 minute describing a challenge they have.
  • The two consultants spend 2 minutes asking clarifying questions and the client can answer.
  • The two consultants spend 4 minutes discussing possible solutions while the client remains silent.
  • The client shares the most valuable insight with the consultants. 1 minute.
  • Repeat process with a different person playing role of client.
  • Wrap up and return to the main room.

3 person 1 client session – 9 minutes.

Three People in a Room, you decide between you which ONE will play the role of ‘client’, the other two play the role of consultants.

Someone must be in charge of timing the session.

  • Each person introduces themselves briefly. 2 minutes total time.
  • The client spends 1 minute describing a challenge they have.
  • The two consultants spend 2 minutes asking clarifying questions and the client can answer.
  • The two consultants spend 4 minutes discussing possible solutions while the client remains silent.
  • The client shares the most valuable insight with the consultants. 1 minute.
  • Wrap up and return to the main room.

Attribution – Liberating Structures