Hat tip to Taylor McKnight, Founder of Virtual Events platform Emamo, who in the process of building his new website discovered the most active participant in virtual events in history. Just for fun and as a lesson in why stock photos are not a very good idea for your website…
She gets everywhere! Have you met her yet?
Here’s she’s really enjoying the conversation at Filo Co.
Totally grooving it in the Mixily Clubhouse.
Celebrating the end of a successful quarter at Spatial Chat.
Toucan events helps you come together for stuff and she is right there!
Is there no end to her talents? No. She is big into Virtual Event Hiring Platforms too. (No, we don’t know either).
And quite a maven in the world of virtual thriving communities at Circle.
Despite all that virtual event attendance, experts fear it may be wishful thinking that she will be prepared for the digital workforce.
But she should be alright, the experts could be wrong. She’s bossing it on the home page at Whereby.
What is her secret? We can only guess but I think it might be that she is, according to HoneHQ, Simply Scalable…
Scalable with expertise and technology know how.
Which is why she can even find time to Hop In to HopIn, because she is definitely ready to meet someone new.
And hang out on Airmeet.
Of course, in real life, all she really cares about is providing fine-free library services.
I would love to see her LinkedIn profile but she doesn’t seem to have one.
You can see more of her at iStock obviously.
There are two places you will probably not meet her.
- BoS, we do all our own photos, for better or worse. At least it is honest.
- Taylor’s new virtual event platform for Zoom, Emamo. You can guarantee with that sort of eye for detail, he will stand out.
Update! July 6 2021.
Got a cold call from a virtual hybrid online event platform. I’m delighted to say that it looks like we now know who the lady is AND, she has a new job!

Congratulations JJ!
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