BoS regulars will be familiar with Balsamiq and their CEO Peldi. In fact, for most of us, it would be a surprise not to see him at a BoS event.
We’re therefore delighted to announce that Balsamiq are once again supporting BoS in 2021 because Balsamiq and Peldi embody our values and what we believe make software companies great: a unique founder story, a successful product, and a willingness to share and give back to the community.

Balsamiq and BoS
Over the years Peldi, CEO and founder of Balsamiq, has returned to BoS time and again to detail (sometimes with painful candor) his experience of building a successful SaaS company.
In his talks (see full list below) Peldi updates the BoS Community on the ups and downs that come with running a growing, bootstrapped SaaS company: from having to “grow up” as a CEO, to turning down acquisition offers, to dealing with a problem many of us would love to have: a product that’s more successful than you planned for.
Balsamiq’s product — Balsamiq Wireframes — is a dead-simple way for non-designers to quickly express great product ideas using drag-and-drop pre-made UI elements. (A product we ourselves love to use.)
Peldi’s Playlist
Hear more about the Balsamiq story in these iconic BoS talks from founder Peldi. Some of the most insightful, funny and actionable stories about SaaS entrepreneurship on the internet:
- 10 Years of Balsamiq: What I’ve Learned
- Everything Changes At 25
- Saying ‘No’ to Being Bought Out: Rookie CEO Grows Up… Reluctantly
- Coding is the Easy Part!
- Interview with John Nese of Soda Pop Stop
- Do Worry, Be Happy! Keeping sane as a software CEO
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