One Trait Entrepreneurs Who Copy Steve Jobs Share
Want to Entrepreneur like Steve Jobs? How many entrepreneurs do you know who model themselves, consciously or unconsciously, on Steve Jobs? I can name more people I know than I have fingers (8 ✋🤚 at last count).
They all share one common trait and it’s easy for you to copy.
How to Be More Like Steve Jobs
- Steve Jobs combined incredible genius and an ability to get things done with a personality that many people who worked for him summarised as, ‘asshole’.
- Despite everything, people chose to work for him and build great products.
- It was the price you had to pay and many felt it was worth it.
Steve Jobs was an asshole genius.
- All you need to do to copy Steve Jobs, is be an asshole genius.
- The problem that entrepreneurs who model themselves on Apple’s asshole genius founder is they only get one half of this right and totally miss the genius bit.
- The one common trait the entrepreneurs I know who copy Steve Jobs share is they are assholes.
- Not one of them is a genius outside their own head.
Think different.
- A little humility and self awareness go a long way.
- The entrepreneurs I admire the most might have role models, mentors and people they learn from.
- They certainly don’t try to copy anyone, they make their own calls.
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