One Trait Entrepreneurs Who Copy Steve Jobs Share

One Trait Entrepreneurs Who Copy Steve Jobs Share

Want to Entrepreneur like Steve Jobs? How many entrepreneurs do you know who model themselves, consciously or unconsciously, on Steve Jobs? I can name more people I know than I have fingers (8 ✋🤚 at last count).

They all share one common trait and it’s easy for you to copy.

How to Be More Like Steve Jobs

  • Steve Jobs combined incredible genius and an ability to get things done with a personality that many people who worked for him summarised as, ‘asshole’.
  • Despite everything, people chose to work for him and build great products.
  • It was the price you had to pay and many felt it was worth it.

Steve Jobs was an asshole genius.

  • All you need to do to copy Steve Jobs, is be an asshole genius.
  • The problem that entrepreneurs who model themselves on Apple’s asshole genius founder is they only get one half of this right and totally miss the genius bit.


  • The one common trait the entrepreneurs I know who copy Steve Jobs share is they are assholes.
  • Not one of them is a genius outside their own head.

Think Different Steve Jobs

Think different.

  • A little humility and self awareness go a long way.
  • The entrepreneurs I admire the most might have role models, mentors and people they learn from.
  • They certainly don’t try to copy anyone, they make their own calls.

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