How To Make Remote Working Work | Wade Foster, Zapier

Wade Foster, Founder/CEO, Zapier

We had a fantastic conversation with Wade Foster about remote working yesterday. Wade is the Founder and CEO of Zapier, a 200+ person company who’ve “never spent a dime on an office”, as Wade says. All their employees work remotely, distributed across the world. Wade has an extraordinary amount of insight into what it takes to make remote work successful and in this Q&A session we mined the depths of his knowledge, discussing hiring, onboarding new staff, how to manage employee benefits across countries and cultures, standup meetings, and how to communicate effectively across the company.

This hour of Q&A is full of useful insights and practical advice from someone who has spent years iterating on and improving the process of working remotely. Watch, listen, and learn.

See the hangout & sketch notes below



Sketch Notes

These Sketch Notes were made by the brilliant Carbon Orange on a whiteboard, and captured and converted to images by our awesome Kaptivo whiteboard collaboration system.

6 - Final Board-01

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