The 11th Business of Software Conference (9th Business of Software Conference in the USA) Fifth Annual Boston Photowalk is here!

Arriving into Boston early? Join your fellow Business of Software attendees for the Fifth Annual Photowalk and tour around Boston. This is a great way to meet other attendees before the conference kicks off. All skill levels and all cameras/camera phones are welcome! Bring a camera… or leave it at home and just walk around town with us.

Everyone is welcome on this tour – even those with no interest in photography. An interest in walking, talking, drinking tea and beer are an advantage.


Rain or shine, on September 20, we’re heading out on the town! Look for John Knox (picture/@windaddict on twitter) and Betsy Weber (picture/@betsyweber on twitter) in the lobby of the Seaport Boston Hotel at 1:00pm.

Interested? Find out more details and sign-up for a FREE ticket here.

PS Don’t worry if you don’t sign up, it is just so we can get an idea of numbers and let you know if there are any last minute changes in plan.

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One response to “The 11th Business of Software Conference (9th Business of Software Conference in the USA) Fifth Annual Boston Photowalk is here!”

  1. […] the organizer know and see if they help promote your event. Here is an example of a photowalk from Business of Software conference that the lovely organizers helped […]