Lightning Talk recommendations – doing a good deed for a friend.

So – to borrow a Valley meme – here’s the thing. We know a lot of people out there have great stories that would make epic lightning talks. We know, because other people – their ‘friends’ – tell us so.

Sometimes, when we approach these people, they say ‘oh no, I would rather spend the afternoon learning to play the bagpipes while undergoing root canal work than do a Lightning Talk.’ Which is fair enough so we strike them off the list.

And sometimes they say: ‘Really? I’ve always wanted to try a Lightning Talk but never thought I had anything interesting to say.’ And they think about it, and send us their pitch, and if it makes the grade we put it on the shortlist.

Here’s the point: do you know someone with a great story to tell? If you do, tell us about them. Drop me a line, tell me who they are  (we don’t need contact details for them) and what they know that you think would make a great Lightning Talk. If you want to remain anonymous, your secret is safe with us but do remember to say so when you nominate.