BoS 2012: Videos of Business of Software talks all in one place.

All of the keynote and Lightning Talks talks from the 2012 Business of Software Conference that we are making public are now online with the permission of their speakers. While Business of Software Conference won’t be livestreamed this year, we always want to share the ideas we discuss at the event with as wide an audience as possible. Feel free to share and you can embed the videos on your site/blog though we would appreciate that you attribute them to Business of Software Conference and link to our site. We can’t pick our favourite. How about you?

Business of Software 2012 Videos

This was the best set of Lightning Talks at Business of Software Conference yet. Congratulations to all the speakers – Mark. we can’t wait to see this year’s.

For more like this, visit the BLN’s talk library and find seven years of insights on building a great tech business.

Joel Worrall, – Be smart, get things done and change the world!

Great ideas and thoughts on how software can make the world a better place.

Brock Armstrong, Frozen Puck – Fitness for software nerds

Hands up who doesn’t have a chair in their office anymore? Mark doesn’t and he feels a lot better for it. This talk literally changed people’s lives.

Jody Burgess, Tribbon – Living fearlessly!

This talk, about confronting your inner fears bought tears to Mark’s eyes. Admittedly, he is a big softy.

Greg Menville, Pyramedium – 5,000 year old lessons in disruptive innovation

Fantastic talk about technology and leadership before there were words for such ideas.

Tim Cull, How not to lock in mistakes early.

Tim talks about how to avoid locking mistakes into complex engineering projects early. We’ve all done it…

Des Traynor, – They’re all just perspectives!

Des considers decision making frameworks and asks if why we get so hung up on specific business practices.

2 responses to “BoS 2012: Videos of Business of Software talks all in one place.”

  1. […] scris postul asta pentru ca astazi BoS a anuntat ca prezentarile de la BoS 2012 sunt gratuite. Daca aveti timp azi, la noapte, maine, in weekend, oricand, aruncati o privire. Orice veti vedea […]

    • Bogdan,

      It is a pleasure knowing you and thank you for your lovely words. We are all working to rid the world of crappy software companies. We ran this through Google translate. The office hasn’t stopped laughing since…

      Every year thousands of worldwide organizes conferences on technology and entrepreneurship. Any ranking is subjective , but there are several conferences that I think would really top place among everyone. One of my favorite conferences , conference probably the best content in the world is BoS – Business of Software.

      Who even saw a presentation from BoS know what I mean. Each is consistent with no frills and insane show simply good content and interesting for professionals in the room . It’s what I always tried to do and How to Web , Part I and succeeded, but we definitely learned things .

      This year I had the opportunity to know the Mark Littlewood , founder and organizer of the BoS . Although BoS is organized in Boston , Mark lives with his family in Cambridge and was mentor to Springboard IoT . Initially I did not recognize , although name sounds somewhat familiar. Then Jon said to me : “If you want to give some interesting people for How to Web , can talk to Mark . Mark Littlewood . One who organizes BoS . ” . I can not say as I blew his mind when I realized who I had before in previous days .

      Mark is , like many Englishmen , a guy looked like a rock star with good manners and decent total . We’ve seen several times on coffee , we talked about how to organize a conference agenda , we have found common ground , we parted friends. Recommended I Adii Pienaar , who will open the 2013 edition of How to Web , and I hope that in future editions to have him and invited him as a speaker .

      I wrote this post because today announced that BoS BoS presentations from 2012 are free. If you have time today, tonight, tomorrow , this weekend , ever, take a look . Any time you see it will not be wasted.