BoS 2012 Workshop, team ‘MARSHMALLOW MISFITS’ output

This year’s workshop sessions were designed to help get people talking and thinking together in smaller groups. We hope everyone had the opportunity to enjoy themselves and meet some interesting people. Each team had a maximum of 20 people from different companies and they all worked together to produce a series of specific outputs to 10 challenges. Overall available time was 90 minutes and the results were submitted online. Here are the outputs of the MARSHMALLOW MISFITS.

The Outputs

Name of team: the MARSHMALLOW MISFITS.
MARSHMALLOW MISFITS didn’t disclose names or superpowers. They went straight to the rest of the challenges.
Using a single packet of spaghetti and marshmallows, MARSHMALLOW MISFITS built a spaghetti tower 43 inches tall.

To better their BoS experience, they wireframed a special Mobile App. They shared some screen shots with us.

MARSHMALLOW MISFITS talked about something important they learned in BoS 2012 in a 1 minute video. Watch it to learn more.

After cutting a piece of letter paper into a ring, MARSHMALLOW MISFITS claimed 14 people passed it over their head to the floor without ring breaking. You can see for yourselves here.

They built a spaghetti bridge to span a 64 inches wide gap. Here is the photo.

They took a picture that encapsulates the Business of Software Conference. Have a look.

In less than 140 characters, the proposed business strategy for Twitter of MARSHMALLOW MISFITS is

  • “140 too restrictive? Great news! You can now tweet to your heart’s desire. Sign up for Twitter Unlimited. Costs only a penny per character”.

Finally MARSHMALLOW MISFITS explained to us in a 1 minute video  how software could solve problems of transportation.

Thank you, MARSHMALLOW MISFITS for participating and being up to the challenge of BoS 2012 Workshop!

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