BoS 2012 Speaker updates & Early Bird Extension to midnight PST April 3rd

I want to apologize to you if you tried to register for Business of Software 2012 over the weekend to take advantage of our first Early Bird offer. Our event registration system was down for routine maintenance on Saturday and we have received a number of emails from people who were unable to register. Given the circumstances, it seems fair that we extend the deadline for registration and have done so to midnight PST on Tuesday April 3rd.

We also have some brilliant new speakers who have confirmed their participation at Business of Software 2012… 

  • Joel Spolsky - will decide what he will talk about nearer the time. Needless to say, it will be topical and relevant to BoSers!
  • Bob Dorf, co-author with Steve Blank of, The Startup Owner's Manual – The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company. Bob was founding CEO of Peppers and Rogers, the inventors of customer-centric marketing, before joining forces with Steve. He will be talking about fueling growth in enterprise software companies and the differences between web/mobile businesses where customer feedback and product iteration happen faster and in far greater volume.
  • Dan Lyons, Technology Columnist at Newsweek where he covers software, mobile and social media. Dan also wrote the popular (over 1.5 million views per month), 'Fake Steve Jobs' blog. He will be talking about what technology companies can learn from Apple, how to get the attention of the media and why Silicon Valley is not the center of the software universe.
  • Gail Goodman, CEO, Constant Contact. Constant Contact, provides software that helps small businesses manage CRM. She has led Constant Contact for over a decade through incredible growth and IPO to a point today where the company employs over 900 people and has 500,000 customers. Gail will talk about the challenges of targeting the SME market and share some of the things she has learned about how technology and people mix. 

Three other things for you…

  • You can view all of last year's Lightning Talks here including Justin Goere's very moving, 'Getting to Nowhere'. This talk considers Nobel-prize winning physicist Richard Feynman's decade long quest to visit Tannu Tuva. Some great lessons in software development and life along the way.
  • All the talks from last year can be accessed from here with a pass code. Last year's attendees have a passcode that lets them access all the talks from last year in their own steam. Attendees for BoS 2012 also receive a code so they can see the full set of talks when they are registered for BoS2012. Other talks are posted over the course of the year.
  • If you are London based, you might like to join us for an evening event, CEO Tales, with Peldi of Balsamiq Mockups who will be talking about customer-centric software development amongst other things on the evening of 17th April, 6-9pm.

#BoS2012 takes place over 2 and a half days 1st-3rd October, 2012, at the Intercontinental Hotel, Boston. We advise booking accommodation early, whether you stay at the conference hotel – we hope you do and have a special conference rate – or choose another location. There is a $900 discount on the full ticket price till midnight 3rd April. If you didn't make it to last year's event, you will also get access to all of the talks from BoS 2011 when you register for BoS 2012.

We hope to see you at Business of Software 2012.

Thank you.

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