If anyone wants to get involved in the music at Monday night's event at the Whiskey Priest, please get in touch. We have a really good core of guitarists, bass, keyboard, bongos etc but would welcome more of the above or other instruments.
We need more cow bell. In fact, we currently have no cow bell.
I was particularly entertained to hear from Jeff Gibson at Intercept Solutions who sent me this picture of him at a previous gig in July. Jeff has since been co-opted, willingly into coordinating the music. Thank you very much. To be honest, I was expecting something a little more homestyle for Business of Software and if you play an instrument and want to get involved, we would love to hear back. Reasonable equipment will be provided on the day.
If you want to get involved ping an email to Bo********@bu****************.org and let us know what you play.
No agents please.