100 Tickets sold & short extension. Speaker Talk with Balsamiq's Peldi today!

We sold our first 100 Early Bird Tickets to Business of Software 2011 by the second week of April in 2010. We just sold the 99th ticket to this year’s event. We want to say a huge, ‘thank you’, to everyone that has signed up to get involved this year and offered suggestions, help and advice already, quite humbling. 

This is great – the word is spreading and people want to come back – but we don’t want people who were planning to take advantage of the Early Bird price to feel as though they missed the boat. Neil and I have decided to extend the Early Bird ticket offer give you a chance to book at the $900 discount price up until the end of this week regardless of the number of purchasers.

Cool! We just got our 100th delegate while I wrote that. Panic not! As long as you book by midnight PST on Sunday 27th March, the Early Bird price will stand.

 Early Bird tickets are now available until midnight PST, Sunday 27th March 2011 and will still receive a $900 discount on full the ticket price.

Please don’t forget our first BoS Speaker Talk is tomorrow, 23rd March. 
Speaker update
  • We are delighted that Alex Osterwalder will be joining us at Business of Software. Alex is the author of, ‘Business Model Generation’, a book about business models that has sold over 120,000 copies. (Why? Because it is really easy to read, interesting and extraordinarily good). Alex isn’t even up on the web site yet but we know he will make you think about your business in a different way. Prepare to be amazed by the iPad App he is launching later this year that may even make me go and buy one. 
Thank you and hope to hear from you tomorrow.

Mark Littlewood


TW: marklittlewood

P.S. Where did Neil Davidson go?
  • This may become a bit of a theme of these messages. To be honest, I had understood Neil was going to be spending more time at Red Gate. Little did I know he was actually moonlighting as a model.
  • This is what passes for motivation at Red Gate since he stopped running the conference day to day and started spending more time motivating his staff. No wonder they are one of Britain’s best small companies to work for.