Asteroid impact: are you a big lizard or small and furry? | Mark Stephens | BoS USA 2009

Are you worried about how your software business will cope with the impending end of the world? What? You didn’t know that the world was about to end? You should definitely listen to Mark Stephen’s fantastic talk from 2009’s Business of Software conference. It’s witty, it’s insightful and it’s short (under seven minutes long).

Here it is:

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6 responses to “Asteroid impact: are you a big lizard or small and furry? | Mark Stephens | BoS USA 2009”

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  2. vacation says:

    this is my first come to your blog,and i read agood information that you put in here..good job i like it, keep going thanks.

  3. LOL! The talk is really funny but really informative.. That is how a talk should be delivered.

  4. Chad says:

    That was awesome. Great humor to point out some very important trends and facts. We must be willing and positioned to change with the times or we are in for a world of hurt.

  5. inoc com says:

    I really enjoyed your article,It has been extremely helpful,The information provided by you is very good.This is my first come to your blog,and i read agood information that you put in here.I like it, keep going thanks.

  6. I like your article and the video. The way it portrays the topic is very well stated and its funny. You will not be bored listening to it. Good job.