Want to speak at Business of Software 2009?

We’ve got a bunch of great speakers lined up for this year’s conference (Joel Spolsky, Geoffrey Moore, Paul Graham, Ryan Carson and Kathy Sierra, just to name a handful – the full list is here).

There could be one more name on that list. Yours.

We’re holding a pecha kucha competition. Interested? Send me an e-mail to explain why you should speak (see here for hints). In a few weeks’ time Joel and I will pick a handful of finalists. They’ll each get a free conference pass, and the chance to present 20 slides, 20 seconds each, at BoS 2009 in San Francisco in November.

Want to find out more details, and see the winning entry from last year? Go here.

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One response to “Want to speak at Business of Software 2009?”

  1. I still have yet to develop an app, maybe it’s writers block, but I’ve been part of the dev group for almost a year and haven’t even opened the SDK yet…
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