There’s a Pecha Kucha session at Business of Software 2008. 45 people sent in their entries for the chance to present 20 slides @ 20 seconds a slide.
Joel Spolsky and I have narrowed down the 45 entrants to 8 finalists. How we did it will remain a mystery to everybody but Joel and me, but here’s who we’ve chosen:
Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of reddit, on How to start, run and sell a web 2.0 startup
Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear Software, on Agile marketing
Larry Port, founding partner of Rocket Matter, on How to launch your socks off for no money
Bob Pritchett, entrepreneur and author, on Fire someone today and other surprising tactics for making your business a success
Johnathan Mercer, founder of Xumbrus, on Turning data into profit: towards evidence based software management
Lou Franco, director of engineering at Atalasoft, on Engineering the evaluation funnel
Steve Goldenberg, founder of Interfolio, on Sales is not a four letter word
Jack Zoellner, president of Leading Edge, on It’s the people, stupid
Well done guys, and thank you to everybody for entering!