Rich vs King: Founder’s Dilemma | Noam Wasserman | BoS USA 2008

Found a company and you can be in control or you can be rich. It’s hard to be both: you need to figure out what motivates you, and what’s important to you, and then act accordingly.

According to Noam Wasserman, a professor at Harvard Business School, if you’re an entrepreneur then you will often face situations where you need to confront this dichotomy.

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When you start up, do you set off on your own (and stay king), or find a co-founder (losing control, but increasing the odds of success)?

Do you choose investors who stay in the shadows (remain king), or ones who are hands-on (get rich)?

When you reach your limits, do you remain CEO (and stay king) or take a back seat and hire somebody in to take your place (get rich)?

You can read more at Noam’s blog.

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