It was a dark and stormy night

Elmore Leonard once wrote that the key to great writing is to leave out the boring bits that people skip.

Hemingway wrote that "The first draft of anything is shit."

Robert McKee: "No one has to see your failures unless you add vanity to folly and exhibit them."

Hawthorne: "Easy reading is damn hard writing."

I think there are obvious parallels in software development, which I won’t spell out. Leonard also said never to start a book with a description of the weather. If I could shoe-horn that into a software development analogy then I would.

4 responses to “It was a dark and stormy night”

  1. Rob Allen says:

    I am thinking “clouds” of something ominous, the pitter-patter of bits raining on grassy registers, the sun peaking through the operating system to illuminate the your app…

  2. I have an analogy for the no weather description rule. Don’t start off a software development effort writing code that doesn’t add value to the product. Put a less analogous way, only write code that adds value to the product.

  3. Quenta says:

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  4. Code.Implant says:

    Never start with a description of the weather

    Neil Davidson of the Business of Software Blog posted an item the other day drawing parallels between software and writing tips from famous authors. For instance, Hemingway once wrote that The first draft of anything is shit. The analogy to