Free "Eric Sink on the Business of Software" eBook

I’m giving away a free eBook of "Eric Sink on the Business of Software" (worth $13) to people who’d like to find out more about attending the Business of Software 2007 conference in San Jose later on this year. Visit to find out more.

2 responses to “Free "Eric Sink on the Business of Software" eBook”

  1. Sarah Clark says:

    I’m only about 30 pages in, and I’m already very impressed with this awesome book. I just plugged this book and the conference on my ResearchTips blog–visit my web site and click on ResearchTips to read/subscribe. I figured you and Eric wouldn’t mind the free advertising! 🙂

  2. Sarah,
    It is indeed a good book. I hope you enjoy the rest of it, and I hope to see you at the conference.
    – Neil