Attendee Info

Masterclass Info Pack Template (7)

You’ll find all the information you need for this BoS Masterclass here, including:

  • What you need to participate
  • A link to join the BoS Slack Channel
  • Details of pre-work to be completed before the Masterclass begins
  • Zoom links to join each session of the Masterclass

About this Business of Software Masterclass

Understanding why users ‘hire’ your product can make the difference between success and failure of your product. Bob Moesta, co-architect of Jobs-to-be-Done with Clayton Christensen, will lead you through an interactive masterclass that will help you to plan, conduct, and process customer interviews using Jobs-to-be-Done theory. Jobs-to-be-Done provides a framework to help you leverage the force of your customers’ behaviour in order to drive your product improvement.

This masterclass is an opportunity to learn how to put the theory into practice with Bob Moesta, a leading thinker in the field and one of the most brilliant business teachers on the planet.

What You Need

To participate fully in this online masterclass, you will need:

  • A Zoom account (paid or free, either is fine). You can sign up for a free account here.
  • A Webcam and Microphone (the one built into your laptop/phone will be fine, but if you have something snazzier that’s even better!)
  • To join the BoS Slack Channel.

The Masterclass will take place on Zoom. When you click the Zoom links to join the event, you will appear on screen in a Zoom meeting, so make sure you’re ready to be seen!

We’ll be using Slack to communicate before and during the event. Hop in to the #masterclass_jtbd-interview-techniques-with-bob-moesta channel now to introduce yourself.


Watch this video

(the fuller version can be found here)


For a quick overview of Jobs-to-be-Done (and a taste of what’s to come), you can watch Bob Moesta and Chris Spiek run a live Jobs-to-be-Done interview on stage at Business of Software Conference USA

Watch the JTBD interview from BoS USA 2013

The Jobs Story (Template)

Job stories should provide context and focus on the motivation of your user, not the implementation.

They typically follow this format:

When [situation], I want to [Motivation], so I can [Expected outcome]

EG: When I go to BoS conference, I want to talk to Bob Moesta, so I can understand why my customers are not buying our new widget and save my job.

Joining Links

Session 1 – Monday 24th August, 7am-9am PT / 10am-12pm ET / 3pm-5pm BST

Session 2 – Wednesday 26th August, 7am-9am PT / 10am-12pm ET / 3pm-5pm BST

Slack – Join here

(Join the #masterclass_jtbd-interview-techniques-with-bob-moesta channel)

Contact Details

If you have any questions, please email