What would happen if we didn’t do BoS Conference?

What would happen if we didn’t do BoS Conference?

In a recent conversation with Bob Moesta as we discussed his session and talk at this year’s BoS Conference USA online, 21-23 September, we talked about how we have adapted to work in a virtual format, he asked,

“What would happen if we didn’t do BoS Conference?”

A great question. One we have considered. Like Bob, we reached the same conclusion…

Not doing BoS Conference is not an option.

Here’s why, with some insights into Bob’s thinking about the challenges, opportunities and the purpose of an event like ours.

Watch the discussion here:

Some of the key points Bob and I discussed…

Can you make a virtual event as good as, or better than, an in person event?

If not, what’s the alternative?

Is a virtual event better than not doing it at all?

Yes! Why?

The jobs your conference do haven’t changed.

BoS Conference has such an extraordinary reputation as a meaningful event – honest and open conversations, powerful talks, a super-high quality group of people. Now that we can’t get together in person, what are we going to do?

Struggling moments don’t go away.

  • Need for community doesn’t go away.
  • Need for improvement doesn’t go away.

When physical event goes away, you have the opportunity to innovate to figure out what’s next.

The Struggling Moment is the Seed of ALL Innovation

Bob Moesta Struggling Moment Seed of All Innovation

  • A virtual event will take you to places you could never achieve before.
  • You will end up with three products that are way better than what you already have.
  • Physical events have a lot more limiting factors for people – travel, logistics, hotels, significant investment in time and resource, flying is exhausting.

You need to design for a new medium.

  • Shorter.
  • Respectful of time.
  • Signpost to deeper learning.
  • Keep audience tight and high quality.Think about energizing people – cannot be a series of lectures – exhausting.
  • Make it fun.
  • Make networking meaningful.

Networking and dating have a lot in common. Similar mechanisms drive success. Dating is often most effective when you are introduced to somebody by somebody you know. Less an algorithm, more a human instinct. Very hard, if not impossible, to do at scale. Much more achievable at the scale that Business of Software Conference operates.

The Challenge

  • Opportunity to rethink and redesign an experience that stands out.
  • The challenge is to get across the core values and the core value online.
  • This will enable you to have more influence and more impact.

We’re excited for the future.

  • We have felt online events have been ‘interesting’ for years.
  • This year has been the year we have been able to focus exclusively on making them as good as a Business of software event can be.
  • We’re always learning.
  • We’re always trying to do better.

We think that BoS Conference Online 2020, 21-23 September will change the way you think, not just about your business, but about the potential of online events.

Bonus: Bob Moesta on online learning and camera setup

“I want people to feel they are in the same room as me.”

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