Alex Osterwalder Hangout | 27th August | 5PM BST, 12 Noon EST

Dr. Alexander Osterwalder is the lead author of the two international bestsellers “Business Model Generation” and “Value Proposition Design”, passionate entrepreneur, and demanded speaker.

He co-founded Strategyzer, a software company specializing in tools and content for strategic management, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

He is also a Business of Software regular attendee, and previous speaker. This year, he will be returning to Business of Software to give a talk on ‘Designing Organisational Culture’ – detailing a tool to help improve your Organisational Culture.

Prior to his talk, we will be hosting Alex for a Google Hangout. This will be previewing his talk at Business of Software Conference USA 2015, as well as reviewing his Business of Software Conference Europe 2014 talk ‘Tools to Help Your Business’ which can be viewed here.

As ever with our Google Hangouts, the audience will be welcome to join in the conversation with the Google Q&A feature. Pitch your questions directly to Alex, live.

To register for the hangout, click the link below:

Click Here to Register

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