Business of Software Conference 2013 pictures from Betsy Weber at TechSmith

Every time I see a picture that Betsy Weber at TechSmith has taken, I realise I will never be a photographer. It kind of hurts, but her pictures make up for it. Some lovely pictures from the best conference picture taker ever.

See Betsy’s full set here.

What's in the bag at #BoS2013?
Goody bag.

Business of Software
Great question from Dharmesh.

Business of Software

Business of Software

Greg bravely attempts to hold me up at the end of this talk. Meanwhile, the audience were on their feet. The first BoS standing ovation.

Business of Software

Extraverts and introverts deciding what they like about each other. One of these groups was highly animated. One of them, not so much…


Business of Software

Because that is what we all want to do.


Business of Software

A short stage-storming talk on accessibility from one of John Knox’s student scholars.


Business of Software

Tall Jeff from Stack Exchange. Imagine how fast he can type.


Business of Software

Never put your daughter on the stage unless she is blindfold.


Business of Software

How to make an origami pyramid. A very useful life skill apparently.


Business of Software

Tongue tied.


Business of Software

Rosemary explains why white bald men are under represented in senior management in tech.


Business of Software

I disqualified Des from the Lightning Talk competition as I couldn’t tell when one slide stopped and the next one started. Brilliant talk though. He is the first speaker we have for BoS 2014.


Business of Software

What a Farquhar.


Business of Software

Effortless gangsta. Patrick McKenzie walks on to his chosen music.


Business of Software

The superman position.


Business of Software 2013

That is a pretty fair description.


Business of Software 2013

A well deserved thank you to the awesome BoS team. Curses on Hermione for looking after our guests and new arrivals for the afternoon workshops and therefore not being there. I have a good mind to find another picture of her and post it in all its badass awesome.


Hermione Crease Bad Ass

Job done.


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